I'm afraid more than ever to be around my friends, family, and strangers; because of how severe my panic attacks have been lately. I've suffered from panic attacks for 8 years. I'm in my early 20's and feel like I'm missing out on so much. I want to get better, not have any more panic attacks, but my pride always gets in the way. I think I am who I was before I have ever had an attack. Before I went through depression for 2 years and having panic attacks I was completely normal, or so I thought. Now everything is different. My life, relationships, and outlook; has all changed. I can't seem to get back to whom I was before, It's sad, but I guess I have to face reality and go on medication. Why do I have so much pride? Well, I'm very sensitive, introverted, and intuitive. I wonder if I just get panic attacks because of my personality..and that i could just deal with the attacks on my own. I don't know