I'm about to go to a nightclub soon...


I'm about to go to a nightclub soon, and I have NEVER been to one in my life. What I wanna know is what should I do; should I just stick with my friends or just go do my own thing? What do you suggest? I hate to seem so neurotic about this, but this is gettin' me scared crapless. It would be mighty cool if you could share your experiences too, if you've overcome this


Well-known member
I've never been to a nightclub myself, but I think that....maybe you should stick with your friends then do your own thing later if you are comfortable.....although I myself wouldn't go, I would just daydream about going and being all popular....dream on Emma...tell me what its like there when you do go


Well-known member
I've been to one about four times. I find that when I'm drunk I accidently lose my friends but being drunk is the only way I can relax.


Well-known member
Nite clubbing sux. If u have bad SA first u oughtta get drunk, then u can eventually end with a total stranger person which is cool if you dont want relationship.

I clubbed the night for 15 years. I like to drink on the streets with buddies when i reveal that i have ones. Clubbin is out.


This isn't helping. I don't mean to sound like a butthole, but I'd like it if people replied that have OVERCOME that nightclub fear.


New member
I was scared the first time i went to a nightclub. its best if you go with a small group of friends the first couple of times, then when you feel more confident maybe go out with one mate. I know its hard but its one of those things where you just have to tell yourself "i will do this" and then do it.


Well-known member
I hate nightclubs. I've been a few dozen times, only because my friends drag me along. I just get an alcoholic drink from the bar, find a dark corner to sit down, and get pissed slowly...


Well-known member
I get myself drunk enough ao that I don't give a shit. Essentialy I am in my own world and then I dance the night away.