I'm 13 and have intrusive thoughts caused by OCD?



I have OCD and get compulsive thoughts. Like of killing/sometimes sexual stuff...i told my doctor I get these thoughts and she just nodded with a smile..so i cant have it that bad lol. I'm 13. since I was little i remember saying to my mom "If you get a bf im going to stab a knife in his heart" (But i remember hearing a guy say that at school before i said that) also..... i always thought if my mom was pregnant i would kill the babies because i never want her to be. Not that i would actually do these things. It was anger. ( I never really had a father. They divorced when i was only 2 yrs old )
so anyways... now that im 13 i still get these thoughts sometimes. theyre much easier to handle, and I know wrong from right, I would NEVER hurt anyone. I hate hitting people! I even hate gossip and drama! Its just OCD causes these thoughts and im always worried someday ill end up some insane killer whos afraid of killing? that doesnt make sense but yeah. my OCD makes me worry for no reason. when I actually want to work for justice in law for our country lol so am i ok?