ignored for other people


Well-known member
Why do people ignore me when they have someone else to talk to? I could be talking to someone one to one then when a more funny/confident/talkative person comes along i become invisible...That's why i hate social situations...It hurts :(


Well-known member
Yea its funny to observe this going on and see how social groups operate. The alpha's always gets attention (like in the animal kingdom!!) Dont feel bad abt being ignored by your friend, most of the times other people aren't even aware they do this :!:


Well-known member
woah this happens 2 me ALL of the time! :cry: like when i'm in the middle of saying something, someone will butt in and i will b forgotten. WTF? :? it's terrible. it makes me feel non-interesting and unworthy to talk to others. 8O and now people know why i have the personality of a mop. :roll:


Well-known member
I can totally empathise with this.

Some of my old work colleagues had a tendency to do this (particularly one). I found it rude. Like it's already been said however, people don't realise that they're doing it. We tend to notice as we're so conscious of our interactions with people.


Well-known member
That's why i hate parties. I'm always the one who keeps to himself with a drink watching others.