If you knew you where going to die?


Well-known member
Today i was thinking about if i knew i was going to die what things would i like to do and would it help me with SA, like for example if i knew i was going to die next week then would it make me move my ass an get out there and do all the stuff i really want to do just now :roll:

Sorry its a little of topic :wink:

I know we are all going to die at some point but if our time was exactly limited to a few months left then would it change things?


Well-known member
I would just lay down and wait for it to happen...I wouldn't see a point in doing much of anything else. Actually I don't see the point in doing anything else now, as it is. :?


Well-known member
of course it would. If your gonna die tomorrow you're not gonna care about any reprocussions. Your gonna go out and do all those things you've always wanted to do. But where afraid to do them, cause you might blush or be embarassed. Or srew up. But if your dieing tommorrow you won't care about those things. Though you'll probably do nothing cause you're too sad, that you're dieing.


Well-known member
i would hang out with my family and best mates and record everything so that they could watch it and have it forever.

i would make it the best video ever


Well-known member
I would go to the corner shop and buy a pack of 40 cigarettes, some coca cola and bags and bags upon sweets which I can't eat incase my teeth fall out.


Then I would just go to sleep and hope never to wake up again.


Lets hope for more indulgance in the after-life. :wink:


Well-known member
i think i'd talk to all the people i could, strangers and not. or write abook of what i wanted to get out. all i wanted to say. and put it up on the web. get some SA info out there.

and i'd have a male escort at my house everynight. not really. or really?


Well-known member
I don't think i am going to die :p

well, it's a difficult question. know what, i don't want even to think about it :?

p i a n o♬

Well-known member
I would probably... Post on my Facebook status that I would die tonight -- not suicide though.

I doubt much people would care, though I like that other guys idea with the Coca-cola and sweets. I think I'll do that. :)


Well-known member
In The Bucket List, Morgan Freeman's character states that 96% of 1000 people polled wouldn't want to know the exact day of their death, and that he belonged to the minority - so he would be able to make full use of the time he had left.

Knowing I would die soon (*knocks on wood* this is my worst fear) would shove me in the right direction and motivate me to do stuff I've always wanted to do/been too afraid to do, I think. :)
I think I'd be in shock till the day it happened. Death is a very sensitive subject to me. Heck, I can just barely except that I'm actually mortal. :/
Someone whom I was attracted to once asked me out to watch "The Bucket List"... I rejected her because I thought she deserved better than me... I think if I were to move on, I may just have.. nvm.


Well-known member
hmmmmmmm , id draw thousands out of the bank , borrow thousands on credit cards , borrow thousands from banks , go to some poor contry and head for the area most poverty stricken , and give all the cash away .... then go home listen to some whale music lie on my bed and just die lol ....:cool:


Well-known member
I dunno what to tell you until this moment comes.. but id love to do or leave something useful and good in life for: someone, a group of people or probably the whole mankind before i go..