If ur parents had kids...


after you had kids how would you find it?

so you have kids then ur parents have kids so effectively ur mum and dad have younger kids then you but ur ther kids.


i think i will have to read this thread again at some stage in a vague attempt to understand it::eek::

your thread is probably fine :), its just my brain thats ****ed:confused:
That actually happened in my family... my dad had three kids in his first marriage who are much older than me and my siblings, and they have kids around the same age or older than some of my siblings. Some of my nieces and nephews have children around the same age as my children (I'm a great aunt :eek:, but so is my 18 year old sister), but I haven't met them, or seen my nieces or nephews in years, so it never really strikes me since we're not close.