If Two People with SP Hung Out...


Well-known member
Do you think they would feel more comfortable knowing that the other person wasn't judging them and felt exactly the same? I was just thinking it would be cool if a whole community of people with social phobia got together (in real life) and we could learn and grow together. :) And become friends and stuff and be totally comfortable together. Haha I wish that would happen!


Well-known member
I guess thats what support groups are for
I know there is one in melbourne but havent got the balls to go there yet
We would be less anxious if we knew the other person had SP I guess.
I know im less anxious around people that just know I have it.


Well-known member
There will be a bucket full of sweat, with both shaking, wondering why the other person is not talking to them.


Well-known member
I agree with Lexmark and Striker, everyone seems chatty and stuff online but if there was ever a meeting I think the SA/SP would come out and the gathering would be nothing more than awkward meeting.


Well-known member
Yea, I get the feeling that wouldnt go over very well.

After I got diagnosed with SAD, I was talking with my grandmother about it. During the 2 days she believed me, she suggested I start a support group. I said, "Yea, right. A whole room full of people staring at the floor and twiddling their thumbs. That sounds like fun."

It's not nice, but it's true. Maybe if I supplied a buffet table stocked with booze, weed and zanex....then maybe that would get the ball rolling....

Nah, I aint got the money. Anonymouse internet group remains!


Well-known member
I'll tell you in a a couple of weeks after I've been to stay with someone from here.

I think it will be awkward at first but then nice hanging with someone who understands and feels the same way. Don't have to apologise for my wierd ways or try and keep up an act.


Well-known member
i hang out with a guy who i met on here (hey hey yuiko :) ). we have a common interest - basketball - so we hang out where there are baskets around. i think we get along well. we're going to try go to a music fest in late july, but i dunno about that, i might end up running away from there hehe


I'm actually thinking about moving into a house with another guy that is on disability for his panic attacks and agoraphobia. We're going to have another housemate, but it's his buddy and I haven't met them yet (since we live across the u.s. lol... I don't think the third guy has an anxiety disorder, so hopefully he can keep us active and not wanting to chill inside all day. Neway I'll let yall know about my experience with living with another agoraphobic and his buddy haha. He's a bit older so maybe I can learn a few things from him for dealing with my daily panic attacks. I hope so.



Well-known member
Quite a few people in this forum, including me, claim to "loosen up" when they drink. I think it would be interesting to watch how everyone gets after we've had a few....


Well-known member
hanging out together

Hi everyone I happen to run a socialAnxiety/Shyness group and let me tell you. When the members actualy do show up they are no way near shy. I am alwayse left sitting there with my mouth open shocked at how chatty shy people are.

Shy people talk a lot .........its just they rarely get to be in the proper environment. Like on this site. look how relaxed everyone is. Its because they feel safe. We dont seem to be shy when we feel safe.I mean safe as in feeling equal to others.


Active member
I think I would be more comfortable around someone with SA. I'm sure that there would be some awkward silences, but we would both understand why.


Well-known member
I think it depends on what kind of people they are. Some would just panic, some would feel comfortable because the other person understands them. Some people would need the other person to be a good talker and some would feel less threatened if the other person wasn't.

I have a friend with anxiety problems. She says I don't make her nervous - I don't know why. She's the sort of person who doesn't hide what she wants, so I don't have to wonder what she's thinking, which is what makes me REALLY nervous. But I think even if I met someone with SP who was hard to read, I would feel okay because I would know that they would be at least as nervous as I would.