If it were your last day?


New member
Hello everybody I am new here and i hope that i will be able to make some friends.
I was wondering if it were your last day on earth would you still live it worrying about what other people think and being afraid of social situations?

For me personally I think I would stop caring about what others thought of me, I would finally be able to be my true self. I would probably also regret having wasted my life being afraid.


Well-known member
I would try to stop caring what other people thought, but I think I'd have a hard time even knowing it was my last day on Earth. I'd probably just spend the day with the most comforting person I know: myself.


Well-known member
Hi :)

I probably would stop caring, but the 'live like you're going to die tomorrow' advice never works for me because... well, you know you're (probably) not going to, and you will have to face people :lol:


Well-known member
It would matter what they think. I would go around doign whatever I wanted to...probley smoking the hell out of cigs too lol