Idromed 4


day 10....... 20 mins on hands @ 20mA....

i still dont really notice any difference than what i was like before i started using this device....

(im alternating + and - each time)

around 18mA - 25mA no more

i never have to clean the plates, my HH is pretty bad when i get nervous and anxious etc but generally other times its ok...


day 11....... 20 mins on hands @ 20mA....

i still dont really notice any difference than what i was like before i started using this device....

(im alternating + and - each time)

is this ever going to work..............


Well-known member
hey there. just hang in there. i'll give u some tips into having ionto work better for u. not a lot of people notice this, but it works.

1)when washing your hands or taking showers, never use hot water. always room temp or cool to cold. not even warm (maybe just a little). the reason for this is because when used hot water, the stuff inside your hand blocking sweat from coming out gets out from the hot water opening up the pores.

2)dont scrub your hands too hard when washing.

proof of 1 and 2 is that when my hands were finally dry, the dryness lasts longer when i followed them, by like 1 week. and they also dried up faster.

3)never move hands at all when treating them in the tray.

i did this a couple of times before when it wasnt working. i noticed it and i didnt move it at all the next set of treatments and my hands were becoming dry because of it. your hands get better treated when theyre still.

4)higher mA doesnt always mean its going to work. i do about 13-15mA for 13 min. each polarity

5) use only water. if you can get up to about15 mA with water alone, dont add baking soda. if you do need baking soda, do only about 2-3 pinches in each tray.

6)dryness doesnt always happen suddenly. after about 15 treatments, stop ionto treatment and see if they begin to dry after about a week.

finallly, if the treatment doesnt work, stop completely for 2 weeks and redo treatments following my tips. do it for every other day for about 7-13 time in total.

i also do my treatments at the end of the day when i dont have anything else to do. i found oout if i did it before i went out, it sweats like normal. ionto doesnt work right away. give it time to "settle in".

these tips may sound absurd, but take it from me with 2 years experience with ionto.

good luck. it should work for you or anybody. you just need a better method like i used.
Yeah I agree with hinder there, I do all the same (hot water part is interesting though). I think it is best for you to have a day inbetween each treatment to let it settle in.


Well-known member
Agree.I was also taking the highest ma in the beginnig.Over 20 mA.Got down to 13 mA .Between 10-13 mA and it was working better for me.

Also wait a day or 2 before next treatment.

Another thing is the water.Maybe you should try a different water,harder/softer?,but some people say that is making a diffence .Try to by some water and use that for 2 weeks?

Just a tip..But dont give up.Heard of people that didnt got it to work in the beginning,but got it solved at the end,

Hope it will work for you soon?....,GOD LUCK.


thanks for tips people !

its got to the stage now that every day is a bit too much for me, the slightest small cut anywhere on ur hands is a pain in the A*** !

its such a chore everyday to complete ! has anyone tried altering the metal plates for them to fit in a much smaller tank ? could quicken up the setting up for it all....

would that work as any advantage apart from less water .....?

how long do u people have to go before u have to treat again from period to period ??

il give it another 5 treatments etc...


just another question..... does anyone here exercise alot... ??

does it even stop sweating when ur exercising or how does that work... ???


day 12....... 25 mins on hands @ 20mA....

still no noticable difference

(im alternating + and - each time)


Well-known member
do you use GC or PS version?

I have a PS version Idromed and use it for about 1 month, it doesn't work for me.
Now I have stopped my treatment, but I plan to restart it in this July or August.

I'm wondering that weather PS version is less effective than GC version.


Idromed 4 GS (DC-Device)

day 13.........25mins at 21mA

im on my 13th day now and still no noticable diff yet !!!!

starting to get fustrated now

ultrafrost--- how long did u use it for during the month u had it ?

did u use it everyday ?


Well-known member
123 said:
Idromed 4 GS (DC-Device)

day 13.........25mins at 21mA

im on my 13th day now and still no noticable diff yet !!!!

starting to get fustrated now

ultrafrost--- how long did u use it for during the month u had it ?

did u use it everyday ?

I use it for a total time of 25-30 hour, I did treatment everyday.
table salt and baking soda were also added into the water, nothing happened.

I usually set the current intensity to 20-25mA which is recommened by Markus, however, many people say that higher amperage would have opposite effect.
no one knows it exactly.


day 14.........30mins at 21mA

still no noticable difference

ultrafrost--- so u noticed no diff at all...?!

so far its apprx 7hrs for me so nowhere near your 25-30 hrs !!

has anyone else experienced failure with this system ....??

does anyone experience that real bad tingling sensation during the treatment.....???... i think maybe i should be using it at a higher amperage tho 21mA is pretty high.....


Well-known member
123 said:
day 14.........30mins at 21mA

still no noticable difference

ultrafrost--- so u noticed no diff at all...?!

so far its apprx 7hrs for me so nowhere near your 25-30 hrs !!

has anyone else experienced failure with this system ....??

does anyone experience that real bad tingling sensation during the treatment.....???... i think maybe i should be using it at a higher amperage tho 21mA is pretty high.....

I'd say that I have not seen any difference after my treatments.
sometimes, I think that the water in my area is not right for iontophoresis therapy.
nobody in the world knows it exactly.
I have an opportunity to move to another city this year, which is a so-called 'hard-water' area. I would bring my Idromed with me to see whether the water quality plays a part.

good luck
i wish you success with your idromed


Well-known member
123 said:
day 14.........30mins at 21mA
has anyone else experienced failure with this system ....??

does anyone experience that real bad tingling sensation during the treatment.....???... i think maybe i should be using it at a higher amperage tho 21mA is pretty high.....

After a break, I re-started treatments on 3/23...I posted this info on this same thread. Like you, I have been unsuccessful so far. I do think running a high amperage actually increases the HH, so I have been treating at 10mA. I can notice that the HH from the back of my hands has gone, but the palms have remained the same. I am very dissapointed. Not sure what to do, now that I have tried both high & low amperages.

I use a PS so the tingling sensation is minimal.


Well-known member
do you think that water quality is a matter?
I know another member on this forum who has success with Idromed GC.
But when he moved to another city, he found that the device no longer worked for him until he added 1 or 2 tsp baking soda in each tray.
He usually treat his hands at 11 mA

btw, Is your sweat on palms 'oily'?
my sweat is somewhat 'oily'. If my sweat drip onto the table, there would be a a little oil trace after several hours when the water had been evaporated.

whether our sweat composition is different from others?


123 why don't you use one tub to treat both your hands at the +ive polarity and put your feet in the second tub to complete the circuit? It'll halve your treatment time as you won't have to keep switching polarities.

Also, is the treatment hurting at 21mA? It should be. Keep persevering as the treatment IS effective when used with plain old (hard) tap water but you have to do treatments of about 20 minutes per day. From personal experience missing an initial treatment for even a day will set you back about five days! You'll have the luxury of fewer treatments only once you've achieved dryness. Finally, console yourself with the fact that the DC machine is much more effective, although also more painful, than the PS version.


Well-known member
Zoot said:
Finally, console yourself with the fact that the DC machine is much more effective, although also more painful, than the PS version.

I have a PS too, which I am unable to get working satisfactorily. Can other Idromed users (successful or not) please comment whether they have a PS or a GS?


Well-known member
I use the Idromed 4 GS and it works great for me. I think the quality of water does play a big factor-I live in a hard water area. At first I did my initial treatments for 13 days (i didn't skip any) on 10mA for 10mins. After that I did two treatments a week-at the weekend then mid-week. Now I do one treatment a week-usually on a sunday. I think over time the skin gets used to it and 'hardens' some what. Started my treatments in November.


Well-known member
Zoot said:
Finally, console yourself with the fact that the DC machine is much more effective, although also more painful, than the PS version.

I got a reply from Markus about this - he said that the PS & GS should have the same effectiveness. I am not sure how much of that to believe because even though I think he is a very honest person, he is trying to make a sale.