Idromed 4


Just received my Idromed 4, so will start to the proceedure from today....

im keen to know if anyone else has had good success from this device....?

i will keep regular updates on progress....good or bad !

day 1 - 30 mins on hands @ 15mA....


New member
Hi everyone,

I got the Idromed 4 in november last year and it has been working awesome for my hands.. The first 20 days I used it every day for 15 minutes just as the manual says... At level 10-11 after 20 days my hands were completely dry, I always use the positive pole in my right hand because I believe it is stronger and this is the hand that I use mostly to do everything.

After I was dry, I found that I had some compensatory sweat coming out of the front of my head, which I can perfectly live with.

My feet sweats as well but I preffer to do only my hands as now that are dry my feet does not badder me too much.

Now I use the treatment 1 or 2 times a week, depending on how I feel, by the time you know how to work this out.

So I widely recomend to all people that suffers from Hiperhidrosis to try Idromed 4 PS.


day 2 - 20 mins on hands @ 15mA....

no noticable progress to date

(alternating + and - terminals)


day 3....... 20 mins on hands @ 18mA....

no noticable progress to date

(im alternating + and - each time)

has anyone had any success using any other substitue for the trays ??

smaller tray would be better i think meaning less water to fill all the time !


Well-known member
i think it takes around two weeks of treatment to see results so don't worry at the moment as its only day 3.


day 3 .....& day 4....... 20 mins on hands @ 18mA....

no noticable progress to date

(im alternating + and - each time)

can anyone else give an idea as to when noticable result will kick in to action !?

what about red marks on the hands (like burn marks?) should these be happening ???


thanks for reply

hinder87 - what amperage were u using it on & how long do u stay dry for before u have to reuse ?


day 5....... 20 mins on hands @ 18mA....

still no noticable progress to date

(im alternating + and - each time)


day 6....... 20 mins on hands @ 18mA....

still no noticable progress to date !!!! starting to wonder if its ever gonna work now !!!

(im alternating + and - each time)


Well-known member
Keep at it. From what I can gather the Idromed can take about 15 treatments before it finally kicks in.

I've ordered one myself, I'm hoping it might be here by tomorow.


Well-known member
Right. I've done my first treatment.

Hands - 15 minutes at 9 mA

Armpits - 15 minutes at 3 mA

I doubt its going to stop my sweating quickly, but I'm not sweating at this very moment. The hands were definitely the most difficult to tolerate during treament, but I imagine that will get easier with time.

As for the armpits, that was actually very easy to tolerate, barely felt a thing - though my left armpits is itching right now, it used to do that the day after I applied antiperspirants too.


day 7....... 20 mins on hands @ 18mA....

still no noticable progress to date !!!!

(im alternating + and - each time)


Well-known member
I've reported on other posts that I had limited success with the Idromed PS - therefore I stopped treatment for 2 weeks before re-starting again on 3/23.

I am treating hands only @ 9mA for 15 minutes everyday, & alternating poles every 5 days. No improvement so far, infact I think the HH has increased. However, I am going to persist because some people have reported that the HH can increase before subsiding.

I will keep posting updates ...


day 8....... 20 mins on hands @ 18mA....

still no noticable progress to date !!!!

(im alternating + and - each time)


Well-known member
Palmar sweating has still not stopped. I notice a slight reduction...but also know that the sweating is supposed to stop suddenly. Am planning on continuing hand treatments@9mA daily.

On a separate note for other Idromed 4 users-how often do you have to clean the corrosion from the electrode plates?


day 9....... 25 mins on hands @ 18mA....

still no noticable progress to date !!!!

(im alternating + and - each time)

i never have to clean the corrosion from the plates ??? what state are they in, and how many treatments u done ?


Well-known member
123 said:
i never have to clean the corrosion from the plates ??? what state are they in, and how many treatments u done ?

Markus Binder had suggesting that I clean the plates regularly with a metal cleaner. I used the Idromed 4PS for 2-4 weeks since my last clean up, & now the top of the plates have noticeably corroded again.

I'm surprised that you do not have to clean the plates. What amperage do you use, & how bad is your HH?