Idromed 4 for sale - Australia


New member
I have an as new Idromed 4 ionphorosis machine for sale.

I noticed a definite improvement after a couple of weeks of using the machine, and I know other people love these machines, however I travel a lot and I found it inconvenient to cart it around with me - let alone having to explain to customs what it's for... I've ended up having ETS surgery which was a complete success for me, so I now no longer need the machine.

I paid around AU$680 from the UK a year or so ago but would be happy to sell for AU$500 ono, plus postage costs.


Well-known member
I've ended up having ETS surgery which was a complete success for me, so I now no longer need the machine.

So it's actually possible to have ETS surgery that doesn't make your sweating worse!?!?! Wow, I thought surgery was a total disaster.


Well-known member
How long ago did you get it? And what did you have before getting it. My doctor keeps telling me to consider ETS (I think he's a moron) and I tell him that I already have severe general HH, so it would be a total disaster if I got compensatory sweating. Maybe I'd grow another limp and start compensatorily sweating there.


New member
Well thanks for the optimism there Sprawling! I'm not sure exactly why things would be expected to go downhill - why would anything change months after the procedure?'s been about 6 weeks since I had the sugery and everything's been great for me. My main problem was with palmar HH - which was severe to the point of dripping - so i can't comment on the effectiveness of surgery for other types of HH. I have noticed slight sweating on the backs of my legs when I get hot, but that is an IMMENSE improvement from having hands dripping with sweat all the time - and increasing with nerves, drinking coffee, etc, etc.

I also spoke with a few nurses when I was in hospital after my op and one was telling me about her neice and another about a friend who had also both had ETS and were really happy with the results.

Look, there are many reasons why people shouldn't have surgery as a first choice. There are risks involved - from compensatory sweating to reactions to anaesthetic. Every other option should be explored first. I have suffered with HH for my entire life and eventually got sick enough of it that I just wanted it gone. I weighed up the risks of compensatory sweating and decided that for me, if I started sweating somewhere else, it couldn't be as bad as my hands.