iam moving to another city - alone


Well-known member
well as red would know, i recently got a job up in Sydney and will be starting in Nov. I've never lived alone so iam pretty anxious about it. Biggest challenge is making the move up there. Still deciding wether to find shared accomodation or a house of my own. does any aussies live up there? i guess my main question is how do other SA'ers go about living alone.?


Well-known member
hi lonesomeboy :) ...i don't have any advice for you on that...sorry :oops: ...but i think you are doing three brave things...new job ....new city...with new place...that is really cool 8)...congratulations


Well-known member
hi lonesomeboy :) ...i don't have any advice for you on that...sorry :oops: ...but i think you are doing three brave things...new job ....new city...with new place...that is really cool 8)...congratulations :!:


Well-known member
I've lived alone before, but what do you think you'll find problematic lonesomeboy?? It was a pretty easy, albeit lonely existance. :D


Well-known member
This just happened to me, too. Almost same situation, but im in the usa. I moved to Chicago, which is probably fairly comparable to Sydney (Big city, lots of diversity, stuff to do, ect., maybe a bit tamer with it being in the midwestern usa and not a coastal city)

I won't sugar-coat it, it's tough. Just about everything I do out here is by myself, although in a major city, it's not hard to find people to talk with (small-talk, anyways). And when my loneliness becomes unbearable, I go out and try to do something fun (again, easy to do in a big city), or call family or friends back home (talked with one of my buddies for 2 hours once, rare for a guy). But on the negative, my close friends are not close at hand, and being nervous around people, its tough to find new friends, although the move has made me become alittle more outgoing (although still not where I wanna be).

What I'm doing to try to solve my problem is to think positively and try to reason with the voice in my head that likes to put me down, and am starting therapy. This therapist is better than anyone I ever saw back home, he pretty much nailed my situation on the head! So I think with enough time, the move to a bigger city will help me grow more than I could have back home. Lonliness is a powerful motivator, sometimes it is a stronger emotion than the fear of talking to new people, also, a bigger city has more to offer in the form of help than a smaller, more provincial one. People also tend to be a bit more open-minded, too.

How far is Sydney from the hometown? Will you be able to get back home easily (you will probably want to have face-to-face contact with old friends and family at least once a month).

I give you (and myself) lots of credit for making such a bold move, I think if we're strong enough to do that (a lot of people WITHOUT sa wouldn't be able to do what we did), I think there's hope for beating this fucking disorder! Good luck, and keep us posted!


Well-known member
HAHA, lucky bastard, you living alone. I may see it wrong, but living alone is one of my life styles. Loud music and your own space, 24/7, haha, dont sweat it, enjoy it.


Well-known member
First i just want to say CONGRATULATIONS again.
I think you should do as allanboy suggested and just try and concentrate on the positives - own space, privacy, LOUD MUSIC!!!!!, you can walk around naked if the mood moves you to :p Look i am sure you will be fine my friend - just enjoy your new start :D


Well-known member
loneseome boy, have a lot of fun dude! keep it real ;-) ! If you get nervous, you've got your homies right here to support you man.


Active member
hmm, I think I preferred having flat mates to living alone. there's always something to distract you if you have flatmates. but on your own there's always teh advantages of never having to wear clothes inside your own house ;)

Just a tip! for living alone, map out a plan for what to do on the days your SP is bad. This could include things like: Finding the nearest park and having a swing at the playground, going on a photography adventure, heading out and finding the nearest op shop.

I found it wasnt so much making myself talk to people or be socially active, as much as making sure I didnt lock myself in the house every weekend and unplug the phone. The worst period of my SP was when I lived alone and couldnt leave the house becuase I was too scared. Just be alert to things like that, and you'll have a RAD time!

Let me know if you need friendly folk to meet up with in Sydney, they arent SP folk but they are jugglers and firespinners who are the lovliest people, and would love to teach you if you wanted. Also one of my best mates lives up there, and she understands my SP, so like I said, let me know and I'll get her to email you or something!

Good luck, and have heaps of fun!!! xoxox *hug*


Well-known member
thanks to everyone for the encouragement. i've been busy trawling the net for share accomodation. rent is sure expensive up there.

flynt -appreciate ur offer but i would feel uncomfortable meeting ur friend. like iam desperate or something lol. i did see a bunch of firespinners at darling harbour too.

dazedandconfused - i'll take ur words in consideration. A flight from sydney to melbourne is only like an 1 hour and really cheap nowdays, so i can head back whenever i feel low. Or its an 8 hour drive.
i know what u mean about keeping myself busy, hopefully i'll find some decent flatmates that i can hang out with. Also, there will also be some other interstate new comers to the company so will see how it goes. Hopefully, i wont freak them out with my weird shyness and personality.


Well-known member
Wow, thats about the same distance from my hometown to where im at now. One of these days, im gonna take a vacation over there in Sydney, from what Ive read and heard, it sounds like a fascinating place!

One thing I forgot to mention.... Don't complain to other people about being alone unless your good friends with them (It will make you come off as clingy/needy). Seems like common sense to most, but I made that mistake, and it really seemed to drive people off. Try to put on a happy go-lucky front (I know, easier said then done, but you have a really good oppurtunity to grow, plus, you gotchur own pad, dude, and in a great place, too! Feels good, don't it?)

You can complain to us, though, thats kinda what the board is for, to vent.


Active member
It's better than living with your parents, like I am. :D

Enjoy, Sydney. I took Travel and Tourism a few years ago. Sydney looked like a really cool place with lots to do. Congrats and try to have fun!