I wish there was a social interaction manual


Well-known member
They have manuals for fishing...acting...cars. They should do one with how to communicate with people.

Most people learn these things naturally, like learning how to walk...I admire the way they converse with others, I just wish there was a format where people who weren't so lucky (the home-schooled, the autistic, the only children, the socially anxious etc) could learn the basics like:

- How to talk and be heard positively
- How to speak to the opposite sex
- How to strike up a conversation with a stranger and how to maintain it
- How to make friends
- How to stop being overly teased or being the butt of jokes.
- How to assert how you feel
- How to support someone when they need help, like when they're upset or angry
- How to keep people's attention
- How to get people to like you
- How to speak to someone in authority
- How to use tones of voices and body language to express yourself
- What to do at a social event

Without all these in life a lot of us feel alienated and lonely, we know what we want to say, but we can't express it. We want to have friends and we want to be successful.

I'd love to teach people these skills...but I don't know them myself. Does anyone know any resources where I can find out?
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