I wish I had an exciting weekend to look forward to!


Well-known member
I don't really know why I am writing this, the weekend is here in an hour which is so cool, but I just wish I was doing something fun and exciting, but as usual I have no plans and well to be honest there is no one locally any more who I like enough to want to do fun things with - my old good friends from where I live have all long sinced moved on.

I am sure others must be in the same boat as me. What can we do this weekend which will be fun and we will have a great time? I am so envious of people who have happening fun lives. I really miss having a social life, I did have one once!
I have to drive down this really nice small town high street on way home and I always see people in the windows of pubs, italian cafes, restaurants and I wish it was me. But you can't do that sort of thing by yourself.

So what exactly can we do (those in same boat as me) to have fun this weekend? Its not really possible is it? But I want it so badly, is the only real answer to meet someone - i.e. a girlfriend and then fun times would come again?
you have to put yourself out there. the easiest way is to find a hobby that other people enjoy so you can meet people with similar interests. doing activities together builds friendships.

what are some of your hobbies?


Well-known member
I totally agree with what you say, I know sitting at home is going to achieve nothing, there must come a point where I have to make effort to meet new people.

But its like at work I meet people and am very friendly with people but everyone is paired off and has their own life, it just doesn't seem possible to meet people who you can develop friendship with whereby you meet up and have fun times. I am 28, everyone my age seems to be married!

People say join clubs, do volunteer work, do a nightclass. They all sound so boring and tiresome. I have never heard of anything of those that has sounded vaguely exciting.

I have lots of interests I love travel, I love to read, I love playing golf, I love to watch my favourite football team, I love to cook, I love going to restaurants, I love to write, I love watching films, I enjoy playing poker, I love wine tasting (not to get drunk!) and loads more. But travel - I love seeing new places and exploring but travelling alone is not something that I would like. I love to read but I would hate to like join a book club and sit around reading. I do play golf and have sometimes played with people but you never see them again. I love watching my favourite football team, I go to some games when I can - but you never see the same people. I tried to look for a supporters club, but couldn't find any. I love to cook new foods - I suppose a cooking night class is what one would suggest but that just doesn't really appeal - probably full of old ladies and mums. I love to write but that is a very individual thing. I like films but I wouldn't join some movie club - that doesn't appeal. Poker - I play in tournaments but its not really a place you meet friends. So you see I have a lot of interests but its still so hard to meet friends.

I have faced it - I am not going to meet new friendships to have social life with - everyone else my age is settling down - I basically have to look to meet a girlfriend.


Well-known member
I don't quite understand..do you want a girlfriend or other men friends to hang out and do stuff with?
Maybe some of the mums and old ladys at a night cooking class has a nice granddaughter they could introduce to you ?? lol...you never know.
My point is this, try some activity to begin "networking" .. you can never tell where this things can lead to..


Well-known member
Coal porter - I just want exciting times again, it doesn't really matter if its with new friends or a girlfriend - either way it be nice to be doing things that are fun, but like I said - I don't see how its really possible to make good friendships at my age where I would end up having a happening social life, I always think those sort of times happens to people in their teens or early twenties when people do not have ties.

I think its wishful thinking taking up a cooking class with the chance some women there will introduce me to their daughters. :lol: But its more likely than meeting someone when staying at home.

I totally agree that I have to make effort to meet new people in order to get the social life I wish for again.

Coalporter what sort of networking do you do? I used to meet so many people and lots of friends at school, college and university, it was so easy because you were around like minded people all the time. I met by best mate who I am still very good friends with (but he lives far away these days) when out with a couple of friends drinking and we met their friends and we all started going out drinking, clubbing, playing football, etc and I met lots of good friends. Its easy to meet new friends through friends but when you don't really have any close friends locally to network through it just seems impossible.


Well-known member
Hi Jayo.

Thanks, I am not sure I would call it pain, more like frustration. I mean today I have had a cool day - I just saw my favourite football team play on tv and they won, I won some money on a football bet, I went shopping for nice food and drink, am going to cook a nice tea soon. I am never unhappy, I have never been depressed in my whole life. But it would so amazing to be out with people I really like right now on saturday evening having fun, chatting and laughing. My whole point on my original mail was what can one do this weekend that would be fun and well the two responses which I am grateful for, kind of show that there is no short term solution, I would have to develop friendships by meeting new people, which could take some time to develop a close friendship with. When I was shopping today I did think is there anything I could do for the rest of the day that would be fun today and there was nothing I could think of.

Christmas will be nice thanks, I am going to see my parents which will be nice. We will go for some meals at nice restaurants, have good chats, share nice drinks, etc so yeah that will be good. My family are great. How about you?

I think I will have to make aims for 2007 to change things. I hope its a year I will really conquer my SA, I need to overcome it to really move on and progress in life and to be honest I think in order to have happy fun times I should look to try and meet a girlfriend, I am nearly 30 now, I would love to meet someone to share great times with, I have kind of done all that student lifestyle having fun with friends out and about, everyone at my age is having fun with girlfriends, partners, etc. Its the most logical next stage for me.


Well-known member
Hi Charlie

Yeah - always look forward to Christmas for much the same reasons as you.

I'm going to be around my family and giving presents to nephews and nieces makes it all more special!

When 2007 comes I'm going to make a point of getting involved in cycling and hiking each weekend.

I'm going to book holiday treking in the USA for a few days for June/July as well.

Joining clubs like this is the only way to build that quality social life.

I know it's hard but in twelve months time I'm hoping to report back great news.

Even if you had a girl, you'd still want that independent space for activities and hobbies.
