I want to feel normal again


New member
I hate panic attacks. I started to have them about 2 weeks after I got pregnat and theyve been with me ever since. About 4 years. It feels like they control my every moment. I get them about 3 or 4 times a week and they always seem like they get worse. I keep telling myself that millions of people get them and I should be ok. But its just the feeling of being out of control that gets to me. I cant breath it feels like im going to die. If anyone has found anything that works please let me know. I have tried xanax and zoloft but it doesnt really help. :cry:


New member
Me too!

Mine also started when I got pregnant with my first child, that how I found out I was pregnant. I was rushed to the ER after having a huge panic attack and fainting. It got alittle better after I had him but when I got pregnant with my daughter it started up again real bad now she is almost a year old and I almost get them on a dailt basis. I have also not been able to find anything that helps. Oh and I tend to get them more around "that time of the month."


Well-known member
I'm sorry, I can't even imagine being pregnant and being emotional and having panic attacks on top of an already emotional time.

Ive had about 4 panic attacks and they are all scary. But the thing I find that helps is just learning to be in the moment more.

The title of this is "I just want to be normal" And I know what you mean by that. But at the same time, don't think you just want to be "normal"...what is normal anyway? Normal sounds boring to me. You don't want to go "back" to being "normal" because if your like me, I had underlying anxiety then too. My whole life I havent really learned to enjoy much. And at the time I thought I was happy, but looking back on it I know it was anxiety just building up. So just look forward to being even better than normal. Once you learn how your anxiety started, you will be even above and beyond what youve ever been.

I'm not trying to say thinking that is bad, cause I still feel like that. But I just wanted to show you a different perspective!


HI there, I agree with pinkputter, I used to spend every waking hour wishing I was normal again, but as soon as I realised that there is no such thing, and its all about what you focus on I let go of it. I know its so frustrating, unfair and downright horrific, you will get through this no matter what your thoughts tell you. Remember that when you have scary thoughts during anxiety/panic, the thoughts are symptoms of anxiety, i'm not going to tell you to relax and get over it - so many people have said that to me and it is very unhelpful. All i can say is look after yourself, be GOOD to yourself - that is, eat well, exercise, drink water and be nice to yourself - talk to yourself nicely - dont tell yourself off or beatup on yourself - we are our own worst enemies, and the most important and greatest words you will ever hear are those you tell yourself.

Best of luck to you all :)


she said it best

pinkputer said it best when she said try to be in the moment more. I have beaten my anxiety using techniques like this and more. Here are some of the techniques I used. (they come right out of my book)

Techniques to a stop even the worst panic attacks:

Close your eyes, select a place you feel most comfortable at. Then an activity you like to do. Walk yourself through the steps of entering that desirable place and then through the activity you enjoy doing there. The key to success with this technique is to imagine fine details. For example, if your enjoy playing cards, picture yourself entering a card game, holding the cards, shuffling the cards, competing against other players and winning. Remember – positive thinking - there are no bad situations in this technique.

Cold showers. The colder the shower the better this technique works.

Tell yourself out loud, “thank you anxiety for warning me something could be wrong, but right now I am sitting (whatever your actions are when the panic attack occurs) and nothing is wrong with me. I appreciate your concern.” This only works if it’s said aloud.

Finally, stay busy. If your mind is concerned with the environment around you, it won’t have time to deal with your anxiety.


Hi there -

I'm stepping out of the shadows and finally talking about my intense panic disorder that I suffered for years. I too have a young son, and I had panic disorder so badly that I would lie in a fetal position, paralyzed, for an hour at time. It usually happened in the mornings, after a bad night's sleep, when I started thinking about all the things I had to do with my baby or toddler. I had very little help to take care of him, and I absolutely could not move during that entire hour.

I've also had panic attacks in public so badly that I had to call the paramedics twice, once in a restaurant and another time in a conference center. The second time was after I drank coffee. Some panic attacks are triggered by chemical sensitivites such as caffeine or other drugs, as well as alcohol. I could go on, but I would like to say that I am pretty much cured, which is a big burden lifted.

I too used medication, but I found it to be extremely helpful. Lorazepam dissolved under the tongue during an attack can help keep the sanity. Ugh, just thinking about having a really bad panic attack makes me cringe.

My panic attacks were highly triggered by driving on the freeway as well. I used to have a very small car, on a very busy freeway, surrounded by enormous trucks, and I would start feeling dizzy and nauseated.

I'm rambling. For now, let me say that the two most helpful things to me were using the amino acid GABA and techniques I picked up from Joe Barry, including "welcoming" the attack. In effect, you are saying, "Bring it on!" I know that sounds counterintuitive, but it actually works with some practice.

Believe me, I suffered horrible, delibitating attacks for years, so I know what it feels like. It's very complicated to say what initially brought them on, but not long ago I suffered some appalling tragedies, one after another, which didn't help matters. Fortunately, I had medication, but that can only go on so long. Now, try to get off those meds! Talk about suffering anxiety! I honestly don't know how I functioned during those awful days. Gack.

All I can say for now is that if I can overcome such an atrocious thing, there is hope for anyone. I hope this helps!

Mer said:
I hate panic attacks. I started to have them about 2 weeks after I got pregnat and theyve been with me ever since. About 4 years. It feels like they control my every moment. I get them about 3 or 4 times a week and they always seem like they get worse. I keep telling myself that millions of people get them and I should be ok. But its just the feeling of being out of control that gets to me. I cant breath it feels like im going to die. If anyone has found anything that works please let me know. I have tried xanax and zoloft but it doesnt really help. :cry: