Hi there -
I'm stepping out of the shadows and finally talking about my
intense panic disorder that I suffered for
years. I too have a young son, and I had panic disorder so badly that I would lie in a fetal position, paralyzed, for an hour at time. It usually happened in the mornings, after a bad night's sleep, when I started thinking about all the things I had to do with my baby or toddler. I had very little help to take care of him, and I absolutely could not move during that entire hour.
I've also had panic attacks in public so badly that I had to call the paramedics twice, once in a restaurant and another time in a conference center. The second time was after I drank coffee. Some panic attacks are triggered by chemical sensitivites such as caffeine or other drugs, as well as alcohol. I could go on, but I would like to say that I am pretty much cured, which is a big burden lifted.
I too used medication, but I found it to be
extremely helpful. Lorazepam dissolved under the tongue during an attack can help keep the sanity. Ugh, just thinking about having a really bad panic attack makes me cringe.
My panic attacks were highly triggered by driving on the freeway as well. I used to have a very small car, on a very busy freeway, surrounded by enormous trucks, and I would start feeling dizzy and nauseated.
I'm rambling. For now, let me say that the two most helpful things to me were using the amino acid
GABA and techniques I picked up from
Joe Barry, including "welcoming" the attack. In effect, you are saying, "Bring it on!" I know that sounds counterintuitive, but it actually works with some practice.
Believe me, I suffered horrible, delibitating attacks for years, so I know what it feels like. It's very complicated to say what initially brought them on, but not long ago I suffered some appalling tragedies, one after another, which didn't help matters. Fortunately, I had medication, but that can only go on so long. Now, try to get off those meds! Talk about suffering anxiety! I honestly don't know how I functioned during those awful days. Gack.
All I can say for now is that if I can overcome such an atrocious thing, there is hope for anyone. I hope this helps!
Mer said:
I hate panic attacks. I started to have them about 2 weeks after I got pregnat and theyve been with me ever since. About 4 years. It feels like they control my every moment. I get them about 3 or 4 times a week and they always seem like they get worse. I keep telling myself that millions of people get them and I should be ok. But its just the feeling of being out of control that gets to me. I cant breath it feels like im going to die. If anyone has found anything that works please let me know. I have tried xanax and zoloft but it doesnt really help.