I used to be a fitness fanatic


Well-known member
I used to be a fitness fanatic before social anxiety and depression took hold. I just have had no energy since this terrible illness has got a hold of me.


Well-known member
well, i did some sports but more.. . i was like intersted in to find out how everything functionate etc. Yes, i was really enjoying life :[

now i m here on this board where are :

-kids who thinks how having a disorder is a cool thing
-grown up people who think having a disorder is cool because they have heard or see somewhere that some celebrities are shown as dyfsunctional in some magazines
-psyche students
-sellers of secret herbs from far east
-stupid annoying 'drs of anxiety' and other advice givers.
-ugly people
-formal drug addicts (My next plan is to become a future one, so why listening to formals? I dont want to have a trip but journey , very high)
-stupid bored people accompanied with religious fantatics

Note that i m not blaming them, but excuse me if some of them cant understand matter discussed here.

I was totally sure that this board is lame when first visiting , i know-when there is so many posts-these people are sure no SP. In the other board i used to visit sp-avp-people, logically, hardly ever post.

20 percent people visitng this board are having SP related problems.
Morbid things about SP is since you cannot cure it , by age you tend to accumulate other fears-> depression leads towards disintegration of personality...


Well-known member
wow that is quite a bitter post, rado!

i feel you are being quite ungrateful. this forum has been the best thing that's ever happenned to me SP-wise. I found it very helpful when first came, alot of SP posts to relate to and alot of people trying to understand it and find cures etc. Most of the talk here is SP-related.

i know there are some people like you say but i don't agree it's so many, how exactly do u know or is this a quick judgement? SP is very actually very common, much more common than you would think.

Also i think SP CAN be cured. i agree it causes other things such as depression if you don't find a way out, it def has with me. but since coming to these forums and researching all the 'cure' methods i see there is a way out.
recluse said:
I used to be a fitness fanatic before social anxiety and depression took hold. I just have had no energy since this terrible illness has got a hold of me.

Work and school have left me with no time or energy to exercise. But exercise is essential and it burns off stress. So we need to make time for exercise.

Oh yeah and it's fun to be a "formal" drug user hehe.


Well-known member
My only comfort zone is my imagination , that thing is slipping into darkness too otherwise i wont be sleepless and tired.

It sucks very much. I'm not spontaneous - that is the part that sucks most.

Yeah, its not fun to be formal. I m a formal human being.