well, i did some sports but more.. . i was like intersted in to find out how everything functionate etc. Yes, i was really enjoying life :[
now i m here on this board where are :
-kids who thinks how having a disorder is a cool thing
-grown up people who think having a disorder is cool because they have heard or see somewhere that some celebrities are shown as dyfsunctional in some magazines
-psyche students
-sellers of secret herbs from far east
-stupid annoying 'drs of anxiety' and other advice givers.
-ugly people
-formal drug addicts (My next plan is to become a future one, so why listening to formals? I dont want to have a trip but journey , very high)
-stupid bored people accompanied with religious fantatics
Note that i m not blaming them, but excuse me if some of them cant understand matter discussed here.
I was totally sure that this board is lame when first visiting , i know-when there is so many posts-these people are sure no SP. In the other board i used to visit sp-avp-people, logically, hardly ever post.
20 percent people visitng this board are having SP related problems.
Morbid things about SP is since you cannot cure it , by age you tend to accumulate other fears-> depression leads towards disintegration of personality...