I think we've just about covered every topic. Or am I wrong?


Well-known member
I'd like to call this unique topics.... Something that you think is unique to you... I doubt you'll find one. It appears as if we all share common traits in one way or another. What about this one. I have major issues swallowing when I'm really nervous. I really do..


Active member
I'm a pyromaniac. I don't really know anybody else who is, so I consider that to be my unique trait.
And about the trouble swallowing, that almost never happens to me, only when I have a panic attack. That must suck to have it all of the time...


Well-known member
I doubt that's unique. I am sure you will find fellow pyromaniacs on this site. Most are probably too reluctant to admit to it.... P.S I'm not one of them... I do sympathize with your condition. I hope you have it under control....


Active member
haha, yeah, I'm under pretty good control of it. I haven't been diagnosed or anything, it's just whenever I set something ablaze, I feel relived inside and I feel pretty good for awhile. I don't know why people wold be reluctant to admit it though, I see it as a positive. It gives me something that I can do to relive all of the built up pressure inside. (well, it's positive as long as you don't burn down a house or something...:lol:)

I see your point though, most of us here seem to have alot in common. I just hope that doesn't make us seem too predictable.


Well-known member
I too, understand that feeling. I think thats pretty natural though. Most people love to watch a good fire. Heck, why do you think we love bbq's so much??? cheers
Well I'm afriad of wooden popsicle sticks, if that counts as anything. And also sometimes I'll just spend hours at a time while a paper with a repetitive design, like circles or just writing the word why over and over and over again. I'm sure I do other weird things but that's all I can think of now. Don't know if any of it is unique though.


Well-known member
Well that sounds pretty unique to me and (the rest of the world) probably most people. However I say so what. We all have these unique behaviours or habits that we consistently perform over and over again. Seriously when I think about it, popsicle sticks is probably not that unique.
Just the sound of it is almost habit forming. I'll try to stay away from that one. But it sounds like a pleasant addiction. On that point. Some of us have addictive personalities. Meaning we could be more vulnerable to addiction. Who knows.


Well-known member
sometimes when im leaving a room or my house and i forget what i was leaving for ill stand there holding the handle of the door untill i think of something,its kinda funny when it happens when im leaving my house because im stuck in the doorway holding the handle untill i think of why i wanted to leave


Well-known member
My house has to be tidy when someone is coming around. Always. I have to be clean shaven.


Well-known member
Umm let me think...

I'm rather addicted to shiny leaflets and brochures. Gotta be shiny ones, though, I hate paper ones.
When I read them I rub my thumb on them to hear the weird sound, I can't read properly if I don't move atleast one of my fingers on the page.

What a weirdo :roll:


Well-known member
I like to drink until I can't drink anymore. I think they call it binge drinking......


I talk to myselfth when im alone, and sometimes wishper to myselfth when there's people around so they can't hear what im telling to myselft >.> <.< . Once somebody from my school sayed i was crazy because i do that, but i don't think I am o.o , oh, i also can't see someone scratching paper! >.<