I think I need help?


Well-known member
Well, I go off and on anorexia, so I guess I have an eating binge or something- anyways I'm 5'4 and usually my BMI is around 18 and it has dropped to 17. I weigh 102 pounds and part of me is worried but part of me is proud and I know I should stop but it's kind of hard so I was wondering if I should tell anyone...parent? Doctor? Friend(s)?
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:) A BMI of 17 is in the unhealthy range, so it would be best to talk to your doctor. Maybe shift that pride to keeping in the healthy range? Healthiness is much more attractive than skinnyness

"Once you have measured your BMI, you can determine your healthy weight range. If your BMI is:

Under 18 - you are very underweight and possibly malnourished.
Under 20 - you are underweight and could afford to gain a little weight.
20 to 25 - you have a healthy weight range for young and middle-aged adults.
26 to 30 - you are overweight
Over 30 - you are obese."

Body mass index (BMI) for adults | Better Health Channel


Well-known member
Thank you =)
I guess I do need a "shift in pride", but it is really hard. And you feel pretty good
about yourself if you can overcome your hunger....I know it's bad. Ugh D:


Well-known member
It's not really an appetite problem, it's the whole I don't wanna eat problem.
Thanks, I didn't really know where to put this...