Hello there, I am 16 years old right now and am doing very well in school. But my biggest concern is the fact that i am always Very very nervous during class and when i am around new ppl (mostly girls) Oh yeah I'm a dude. I always have this constant fear, when I want to ask a question to a teacher/person or when i am about to talk to a girl. I am mostly scared of doing something stupid and embarrassing my self. I have had a couple of moments where i had a Panic Attack ( this summer during an oral presentation ) and once had really bad depression(3 years ago it lasted 1 week). During oral presentations i always say to my self '' Don't **** up, Don't **** up and a the end i pretty much **** up and fail the assignment... I don't take drugs ( occasional Marijuana ) nor do i drink. I am not suicidal nor do i think of killing my self. I have no problems speaking to my friends (they are mostly guys) but i get really nervous around their friends... U can say that i feel intimidated. I am really self conscious and am constantly thinking that girls may not find me attractive or I am missing something (physically). I pretty much avoid any girl that i find attractive thinking to my self that she wouldn't want to talk to me. I haven't had this problem till about when i was 13 ( i had couple of girlfriends) but since then i haven't had any interaction with a female ( who i liked or had a crush on ) but i feel normal when i am around girls that I don't really have an attraction for. I really don't know when this started or how it started. To avoid these situations I mostly surf on the net, Work out and play games.
Anyways i would like to know if this is Social Phobia or not, if so i would like to know if this disorder will go away. My family keeps telling me that once I attend college this will go away and i will get used to it....
I would also like to know how u guys deal with it
Anyways i would like to know if this is Social Phobia or not, if so i would like to know if this disorder will go away. My family keeps telling me that once I attend college this will go away and i will get used to it....
I would also like to know how u guys deal with it
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