I think I have SA? Do i have SA?


Okay I was thinking over about things... i mean i wouldn't consider myself shy but then i do. I'm bubbly, confident (sometimes) outgoing (sometimes)
but when im in a new situation if i dont have my friends around, im pretty quiet. I was in summer school, and i noticed that guys in my class that would stare at me, and look at me, give me any attention with eye contact - i'd be petrified, i'd act like a little girl and avoid eye contact. i won't even look up. i'd be so scared to even initiate conversation. Why is that?' Like this one guy, he was always staring at me! Always!! him and his friend. For an entire month i'd catch him looking at me - i kind of have low self-esteem which i am working on. and when he stares i think 'man he must be looking at allll my flaws because he keeps staring at me and he wont approach or talk to me unless we are in a group or its a class conversation - i also noticed that whenever presentations we had to do, in summer school AND in school, i wouldn't show up. I was always anxious and i didnt want people looking at me, so i'd skip the entire day. (is that normal?) and theres a new guy i like at the library, i caught him staring at me, his eyes were following me across the room and when I looked he looked away. I dont know what this means or why he did that but now i want to talk to him. i dont know how and im afraid and a little anxious. When i seen him he sat at a table maybe 1-2 feet away from me, his back was turned - so im assuming ok i made things up no way he could like me - also i wont talk to a guy unless im feeling extremely confident that day. I met a friend from a friend when we were hanging out, hes a guy and i wouldnt looka t him. i avoided his gaze when he was staring at me. and i basically ignored him - i didnt mean to, i really didnt i just was interested in him and i didnt want to make a fool out of myself so i basically pretended he wasn't there - until he made a funny comment and we got to talking and basically i was myself again, around him.

Ugh this sucks because im 17, and i dont want to be like this forever. I want to go talk to guys especially guys but i can't! I always think "too busy, dont disturb him, why would he want to talk to you' blah blah blah.

Please help guys!!!!

btw do i have SA? I could go into more detail if you want..


Well-known member
The first case, were that guy was staring at you at all times, who cares, for all we know he probably has a thing for you. So forget about him, you were looking at him too, so he probably assumed the same thing you did and that's why he's looking back at you... I don't know.. it doesn't matter any way.

However back to the point, you probably don't have social anxiety, but the things that you've mentioned are all basic social anxiety symptoms. What I think is that since you said you have times where you're confident and you DO have friends, you certainly have the potential to overcome this what I'd call mild social anxiety. It's really nothing, you should consider yourself lucky cuz most of us here have social anxiety ingrained deep in our minds that even curing it just a little seems out of the question...

Anyway, good luck to you and all your endeavors...