I think I am allergic to dating...

Obstacle 1

Well-known member
Ok so I had a thread a few weeks back where I was going to go on a coffee date with a girl but ended up cancelling the night before as my anxiety was getting unbearable.. I felt really bad after that because surprise surprise I almost instantly felt better. I did contact her again later but didn't meet up as she was only staying in my city a short time.

So anyway I go a few weeks without doing much but just hammering my daily routine after which I feel a lot better and I get that craving again... The one where you want someone in your life and you start to seek it out.

So long story short I met a girl from online dating last week for coffee and it went pretty well, I mean for a first ever meeting. But of course it has meant the same ugly anxiety has reared its head.. I am starting to lose sleep, I am over thinking everything, I am making irrational decisions and getting tense.. And this is only with one catchup down and another planned for tomorrow. I am actually getting sick from anxiety, not nausea but proper cold/sore throat type. As you can imagine this has kind of killed my earlier enthusiasm. I don't get it, why am I reacting so strongly? My mind is trying to get me to cave that is for sure, I have heard how people have tried to kick addictions and have had similar reactions.. Except I am the inverse, I want to get hooked!


Well-known member
I think it's just the way the mind copes with what's unknown/uncomfortable. People will react differently to this, and in different intensities. I think most people here will react more strongly to getting out of their comfort zones than the "average" person.

You get cold like symptoms, I get problems with my digestive system and lack of appetite, other people can't stop eating, others get headaches, etc etc.

Obstacle 1

Well-known member
You are right, us folk tend to take any situation right off the richter scale.

But I did it! :D, I pushed through days of stress and tension and so many different symptoms and I went on this date in spite of my mind/body screaming "nooooooo!!!".. But it was well worth it, I had a good time and I think we got a little closer, it was only catchup no.2. Thankfully she seems like she wants to move things along at a slower pace, and for me that is awesome because that is the only way I can function... Hopefully over time I can release the strangle hold of tension.. Familiarity is the safe zone haha.