I sent a ''friend'' some hate text messages


Well-known member
Lately i've been feeling angry more than usual. I told you about the incident at work last week. I guess i want others to feel the pain i am feeling.

Anyway i've been holding feelings of resentment towards this girl who i was in college with for years, and i could not hold it any longer. You see this girl manipulated me because she knew i had a thing for her, and she led me to believe that she felt the same way. Next thing she rejected me but she still has kept me as a friend even though we hardly talk, and i never see her.

So i sent her an sms calling her a ''manipulative bitch!'' and how much i hated the things she did to me......I feel guilty about doing it now though :?


recluse said:
Lately i've been feeling angry more than usual. I told you about the incident at work last week. I guess i want others to feel the pain i am feeling.

Anyway i've been holding feelings of resentment towards this girl who i was in college with for years, and i could not hold it any longer. You see this girl manipulated me because she knew i had a thing for her, and she led me to believe that she felt the same way. Next thing she rejected me but she still has kept me as a friend even though we hardly talk, and i never see her.

So i sent her an sms calling her a ''manipulative bitch!' and how much i hated the things she did to me......I feel guilty about doing it now though :?

A bit harsh, but i wouldn't worry about it.

Although its hard giving advice like "you'll make plenty of new friends" (when someone like me has a bleak outlook in life).

I'm glad you keep posting here anyway, dont give up.


Well-known member
I dont know all the details of what transpired between you and this woman but if you tried to salvage a friendship yet hardly see or speak to her then maybe its a blessing in disguise? Texting her calling her those names is giving her power,she doesnt deserve that nor does she deserve to take your spirit away...I know its hard to contain some strong emotions we feel, yet letting someone know have much they have affected us negatively just gives them power they dont necessarily deserve..Whats done is done,you cannot take it back,however dont beat yourself up for it,youre human,learn from it so when the lucky one comes along you will be more prepared and despite mistakes you will still make, she will look past them if they are within reason...


Well-known member
Lately i've been feeling angry more than usual. I told you about the incident at work last week. I guess i want others to feel the pain i am feeling.

I understand, man: people suck. Fuck 'em. I'm generally irrascible and, most of the time, I'm mad at somebody. Be careful, though, that you don't hurt the people about whom you genuinely care; although it's easy to forget in the fog of rage, they're probably an essential part of your life...


Patrick123 said:
Lately i've been feeling angry more than usual. I told you about the incident at work last week. I guess i want others to feel the pain i am feeling.

I understand, man: people suck. Fuck 'em. I'm generally irrascible and, most of the time, I'm mad at somebody. Be careful, though, that you don't hurt the people about whom you genuinely care; although it's easy to forget in the fog of rage, they're probably an essential part of your life...

Sometimes when u think someone cares/likes you, they might not.

I have lost best friends because i have found out their true feelings towards me.


Well-known member
you did good, a bit too late maybe, but you took away that harsh feeling, i don't think you should feel guilty about telling it, i would feel embarassed by just telling her it now, probably she forgot it.

this stuff just happen, if you have something to tell just tell , what could happen? you would lose a "friend" who is a manipulative bitch... so what?


Well-known member
I think i need to give more of a background as to the reason i feel such resentment.

Ok i met her in college in 1997. She started talking to me, and i became attracted to her. Looking back i don't know what i saw in her because she would say nasty things about me, like ''Imagine when ........ has kids...They'll be ugly with glasses!''....She saw these things she said as a joke, but despite feeling hurt i was still attracted to her.

As time went by she started flirting with me despite the fact that she had been in a long term relationship since before meeting me. After finishing college i didn't see her untill 2002 but she did occasionaly send messages on my phone saying how much she would be with me if it wasn't for her boyfriend. In 2002 i was unemployed and she was on her final year of uni, and she came to my house to get my help to do her artwork for her fashion design final fashion show. I was feeling weak and vunerable because of being unemployed and depressed and i enjoyed her hugging me and holding hands (nothing more went on)....In effect it was an ''emotional affair''

She asked me to model for her final fashion show and i refused. I turned up to her fashion show and she was as cold as ice, and my confidence got a knocking down when she said how ''gorgeous'' her male model was. So all the attention i had got from this girl came to an abrupt end.

Looking back i feel disgusted that i allowed this ''emotional affair'' happen...But i am more of a victim..I had never had any attention from a girl ever and that coupled along with my low self esteem made me weak.

I think she was treating me as a backup incase her relationship ended, and she wanted me to remain single. This is why i called her a manipulative bitch. This is why i have a distrust towards females in particular. I keep my feelings guarded because i don't want to be that ''second best'' to any woman again.


recluse said:
I think i need to give more of a background as to the reason i feel such resentment.

Ok i met her in college in 1997. She started talking to me, and i became attracted to her. Looking back i don't know what i saw in her because she would say nasty things about me, like ''Imagine when ........ has kids...They'll be ugly with glasses!''....She saw these things she said as a joke, but despite feeling hurt i was still attracted to her.

As time went by she started flirting with me despite the fact that she had been in a long term relationship since before meeting me. After finishing college i didn't see her untill 2002 but she did occasionaly send messages on my phone saying how much she would be with me if it wasn't for her boyfriend. In 2002 i was unemployed and she was on her final year of uni, and she came to my house to get my help to do her artwork for her fashion design final fashion show. I was feeling weak and vunerable because of being unemployed and depressed and i enjoyed her hugging me and holding hands (nothing more went on)....In effect it was an ''emotional affair''

She asked me to model for her final fashion show and i refused. I turned up to her fashion show and she was as cold as ice, and my confidence got a knocking down when she said how ''gorgeous'' her male model was. So all the attention i had got from this girl came to an abrupt end.

Looking back i feel disgusted that i allowed this ''emotional affair'' happen...But i am more of a victim..I had never had any attention from a girl ever and that coupled along with my low self esteem made me weak.

I think she was treating me as a backup incase her relationship ended, and she wanted me to remain single. This is why i called her a manipulative bitch. This is why i have a distrust towards females in particular. I keep my feelings guarded because i don't want to be that ''second best'' to any woman again.

Argh that sounds so awkward. its always hard to trust someone else, after things have gone wrong in the past.

From what you have said, its a good thing if you have nothing to do with her anymore. You dont need that kind of crap. Even if you need some female company, its not worth hanging around with a bad female.


Well-known member
I think I could relate to your story a little Recluse.

I had a same type of situation with a girl I met at Uni last year, and she knew I had a thing for her, so she kinda took advantage of that and long story short I ended up doing most of the work in our assignments and ended up lending her money I never got back.

There are vulnerable men out there like me and you Recluse, and there are bitches out there to take advantage.

We need to learn from our bad experiences, toughen up and move on to other things. We also need to understand that women aren't all bitches.

Don't give this women any more attention, she doesen't deserve it. If she seeks your attention in the future, you need to show her she's not important to you.

I hope this helps.

Be strong!


Well-known member
I'd say you did a good thing, releasing your anger towards that obvious worthless piece of junk at least made you feel better and you got to let her know how you feel. Time doesn't matter that much here. Whatever you do next, DO NOT, repeat DO ABSOLUTELY NOT send her a message where you say you're sorry for what you said, that will just make things a lot embarrassing.


Active member
Things like this have happened to me so many times in the past, so I really understand how you feel. It's just not fair how some people can be so heartless and cruel towards another person who has feelings for them. You said that she had said mean things about you in the past, you should have never trusted her. On the other hand, it's just hard to push your feelings aside when you care about someone because you want to believe in them. A similar experience happened to me in college, some guy completely used me for a week, asked me out to have sex with me, and then the next day ignored my calls and went out wtih another girl. I was so hurt because he acted like he really cared about me and it just killed me inside so much to be used and lied to, because it was hard for me to trust anyone at that point, and I just wanted a relationship and to believe someone cared about me. I was so depressed at the time too. He talked behind my back, and still does, he says personal things about me, like i'm a psycho and I have mental problems, and personal sexual things, things that are degrading. I was so angry at him I sent him a whole bunch of nasty emails telling him what I thought about him and I didn't feel bad about it because at the time, I was so bitter and angry with being treated like an animal, instead of a human being who has feelings. It probably just gave him more of a reason to talk about me, but I didn't care. It still makes me angry thinking about it and it makes me angry thinking about someone hurting you that way because you seem like such a nice, genuine, sensitive person, and I just don't know why any girl wouldn't feel so lucky to even know you. I regret the emails now, because I don't care about him anymore, but I think it's just completely natural to react that way and I think you have a right to defend yourself when someone treats you like that. Just don't give up on finding someone, don't let this experience make you feel like all girls are the same, there really are some nice girls out there. You're a great guy, you really are.


Well-known member
through my perspective i think this is quite a funny/awesoome situation

a) she had whats coming to her
b)you did good for letting out your pent up rage and ultimatly slightly ruining her day

i applaud for you letting those emotions free


Well-known member
Recluse,you should not let this one bad apple spoil it for the rest of the women in the world...You shouldnt ever settle for second best,you are worthy of being number one you just need to realize that on your own..Unfortunately there are nefarious individuals in the this world who will try to take advantage of vulnerable people but we shouldnt let those selfish people deter us from fulfilling our hopes and dreams..Just as soon as we recognize them for who they are,try to get away from them as soon as possible...It sounds like she is what you called her,so you got you cue to discard her from your life...She doesnt have much character does she..Friendships should always be 2 way streets,both people supporting each other,not making each other feel inferior...No attention is better than negative attention...


Recluse, you really need to grow a pair. She manipulated you because you allowed her to do so.

And she still has her emotional hooks in you because here you are, caring about what SHE thinks - a user that doesn't give a shit for you.

You want her to feel your pain? Why would she care what you think? She manipulated you and belittled you from the beginning - which means she didn't respect you then. And you still kept coming back for more abuse, for YEARS - so you gave her no reason to respect you now. She does not and never has cared about you, so it harms ONLY YOURSELF to invest so much emotion in her.

Users love losers they can walk all over. Find some self respect or you will be a mark for the rest of your life.


Well-known member
Whether it was right or wrong to do it, I understand why you did. I know when anger just pushes and pushes until it goes overboard and you make fast hostile decisions. Ive done it sending messages to people, making comments suddenly. its just a way of trying to vent that irate feeling.


Well-known member
Bleach is right on point..Self respect and dignity should come before anything and they make any person more attractive...Recluse forget about that unworthy woman and put more energy and time towards someone who deserves to have you in their life...


Well-known member
Thankyou very much guys. It's weird because although i feel hurt i feel an attachment to her...That i want her to still be around as a friend, i don't know, i have mixed feelings.

The impression i get is that she knew that i was attracted to her and that gave her an ego boost...I don't think she really cared about me, only the attention she got from me.

This is why i am reluctant to show my feelings to this girl i am seeing. I'm just so afraid incase she's the same.

I feel like such a phsycho o'r something, i mean lately i've been getting angry a lot which is so out of character to my usual mellow self.