I really don't think I want to do it...


Well-known member
So you know American Idol.. Well there's a Canadian version! lol.
When I first read that it was coming to the mall I work at, I was like... "OoOoo I should try out!", I'm not a bad singer.

I let everyone listen to the song that I recorded, and they agreed.
Then I went home and read the rules and shit, and realized that it's just not something I really want to do.

Now! I don't know if I found a reason to not do it (because of anxiety), or if I really just don't want to do it. I honestly feel like I don't want to, cause I don't care about that t.v. show.. but a part of me worries. I have struggles with confidence and self-esteem...

People have told me to just do it, so at least I can say I tried...
But I don't know if I care to give that much effort into trying.

Argh! I don't know if I am letting ANXIETY control me, or if I am controlling me! How the hell do I know? Just go anyway? I have until 4 pm today, to go.


Well-known member
Screw it. I'm not going. I don't care. I can always try out next year if it's that big a deal to me, which it's not. And I need guitar lessons anyway. And I plan on rising to whatever I may rise to, simply by being a solo artist, on guitar. I don't want it to be a media frenzy, and I don't think I'm missing out on much. lol thanks for the support though guys. :)

This is me.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9glXb8iL6c


Well-known member
God girl, you're good! you should've gone :D
Always next year, though...then you have time to work-out whether it's really what you want to do or not :)


You sound awesome! I like how clear and even your voice is throughout the song. You can *definitely* sing and I think you play the guitar pretty good.

Don't worry about being a media frenzy or even the show at all. Go simply to try. I/we know you're good enough when you're not all nerves so go simply for the practice of putting yourself out there. If not American Idol then find some karaoke nights at clubs, etc where you can perform. I've been a regular at many of those before and it is a great way to build your confidence up. Keep trying and don't ever think about the end game... being famous and all... its the journey that counts.



Well-known member
hell yeeah!!..your singing is great :) ..and believe me..cause i know nothing about music and singing...just kindin :lol: i really liked that song...keep it up!!!


Active member
You sound kickass!! although i usually dislike artists who are on those competitions lol defs go for it for the confidence boost!


Well-known member
Wow! I loved it! You're exceptionally good, it sounded very professional. :D. And I speak as someone who couldn't breathe without listening to music. I'd LOVE to be able to sing but *sigh* I just can't. :(

That line from the poem sprang to mind "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air". Whatever you do, don't waste your talent. Could you maybe send some of your songs to a radio station...?


Well-known member
Oh gee. This is just a cover of a song. I haven't written any of my own music. lol I mean. Poems yes. Playing around on the guitar yea. But nothing complete.

I'm glad you guys like my voice. It really helps me feel more confident. I appreciate it. :)

Oh. I went to the thing, but I didn't end up singing, because I realized how unprepared I actually was, when I got in line. lol. I didn't feel very nervous about performing, more about being ill-prepared. I'll probably learn some songs and be super prepared for next year. :)


Well-known member
Yes, I know, it's one of my fave songs. :D I just meant you have an exceptionally good voice and the guitar playing was phenomenal too. Maybe you could try writing some of your own stuff too...? I mean, if you've written poems...? You ARE very, very good. :D

Going to bed now, pretty late here! :)


Well-known member
Wow, nice cover. You have a great voice :D .

As for that thing, I suppose the question to ask about is did you really have no reason to go or are they exuses? It's very easy to kid yourself into making sense of them, it's just how the brain works.

But hey I cannot know that since it's hard enough to notice my own similar thoughts.

Hmm though, think of the positive side to it, confidence booster for one, practice and experience at least. And fun.


Active member
You sound very good :D Its so sad the phobia gets in the way, I had the same thing, Channel V (a music channel) had a competition to be the next presentator for there show, I wanted to try out just so i could get on tv because i thought it would raise my confidence, sadly I drank before i went because i got so nervous, i still did good and am proud of myself, but at the same time disapointed it was the drink that got me there