i play world of warcraft


New member
I think WoW can be a really dangerous thing for people with some form of SA, due to how addictive it can be (speaking from personal experience, it's obviously not the same for everybody).

I was going through a pretty rough time a few years back and was out of work for a while after walking out of a job (due to SA). I started playing WoW in that time and it really just exasperated the problems I was having. It started to give me other excuses (apart from my SA) to not leave the house or try to improve myself and get past SA and it was just putting me in a bigger hole.

I fully understand everybody is different and some people can just play games like that casually which is fine, but I think if it's giving you another excuse NOT to do something that may help with the SA it's nothing but a bad thing.

I found it really easy to kid myself and say: "It's just a bit of fun, I'm enjoying this". When in reality I was just using it as an excuse to hide and I wasn't really enjoying it all that much. Which I realised when I quit.

I hope that was on topic, I think I just kind of ranted a bit. :)


Well-known member
GuyIncognito said:
I think if it's giving you another excuse NOT to do something that may help with the SA it's nothing but a bad thing.

When I ask myself whether the game is fun, yes, its really fun. But I also feel like its an excuse not to deal with SA. The problem is most things that improve my ability to cope with SA aren't fun. They're a chore, something i have to steel myself up to do, and given the choice, most of the time i'd just rather stay inside and do nothing. Whether its playing a game, or even reading a book.

So i guess my question is, whats the balancing point. Do you guys give yourselves a quota? Like "i'm going to do 2 things that i'm scared of this week, then i'm going to vegetate for the rest of the time and not feel guilty about it".