I owe you..


Well-known member
Do you get anxious when people give you things, or are kind? Do you get this feeling that you owe them something, and you will never be able to repay them enough for what they've given you?

I think this drives a part of my anxiety with forming close relationships with people. It's really frustrating.

I feel like I need to give them something.. Like items, or a certain attitude. Like I need to always be happy and upbeat and entertaining for people.

I feel this huge stress when I cannot live up to these 'expectations' I feel like I should be living up to, for people. I know it's so silly to even think that I need to live up to something for others - but I do feel like it is partially my responsibility to give people something.

If someone is down I need to be there for them. I need to give them sound advice and help them. I need to make them happy. I need to entertain them and engage them.

If someone gives me something I feel like I need to return the favour, and give them something back. I don't know why I feel this huge stress when people give me things, whether it be kind words or a material object.


Well-known member
Yeah i totally relate, it's one of the more awkward things to me,It's so frustrating, i can't accept a compliment or a gift, of any kind. I really wish i could just say thanks and something nice and go on. Actually this is one of the better ways to destroy my self-confidence... if i'm talking normally and anyone say something nice to me, it the same as grabing my head and shaking, i get totally confused.

I think this drives a part of my anxiety with forming close relationships with people. It's really frustrating.

i never thought of this in such perspective. i need to explore this point of view...


Well-known member
erg I know. It stops me dead in my tracks sometimes. My head goes blank. And then I feel like I have to say something in return. Or I don't know how to respond to it, other than saying thanks. I feel bad if I don't reciprocate at that exact moment.