I need something to talk about!


You know that you've really hit the bottom of social phobia, when there is absolutely nothing for you to talk about. This is my latest fear, because i'm forcing myself to get out there again and volunteer, and maybe meet a guy, but I don't have anything to say to anyone. My therapist tells me that people love to talk about themselves. Yeh, but I don't have anything to say about myself. This is scary but I know I need to get out and around people again, any suggestions?


I also have such a problem.I can talk about art, literature, music, movies, architecture, history, but I am not a master of a small talk. So , I prefer to keep silence.


Well-known member
eerf said:
I also have such a problem.I can talk about art, literature, music, movies, architecture, history, but I am not a master of a small talk. So , I prefer to keep silence.


I could rattle on about 19th century sailing ships and the battle of trafalger but thats never going to get me a girl, Im hopeless at small talk, i honestly dont think I have anything in common with anyone, like Im not meant to be here


Well-known member
This is my latest fear, because i'm forcing myself to get out there again and volunteer, and maybe meet a guy, but I don't have anything to say to anyone.

I had this problem when I started volunteering with fellow students, I was worried I would have nothing to chat about but instead, through the activities I was taking part in, discovered quite a lot of new things.

I was working with children and noticed how the kids in more creative schools were mentally, it seemed, much happier. This was something I usedto talk to the other volunteers during meetings, unfortunately hardly any of them had anything to say on the matter, and I felt stupid for talking. Ho hum. 8O


I could rattle on about 19th century sailing ships and the battle of trafalger but thats never going to get me a girl,

Here here, I hate small talk. I'll do it if I have to but I feel so shallow afterwards, why won't they discuss the possibilities of space travel with me or explore crazy hypothetical situations?

People are boring, but there are exceptions. Myself, for example would be happy to hear someone rattle on about history because I know so little about it.

I think its all about finding the right type of person, but there are so few who enjoy getting into a more intellectual or esoteric conversation its hard.


Well-known member
I can go on and on about physics or math or computer science, but when it comes to make small talk I just can't. I freeze up and I can't think of anything. Its impossible for me to make conversation with a person.


im the same, but i spend ages rehearsing in my head how and what to say that when it comes to it ive talked myself into believing its so stupid therz no point saying it anyway.. even the simplest things. and i plan what to say with the least words so its over quicker. so messed up. x


Well-known member
krazy_607 said:
You know that you've really hit the bottom of social phobia, when there is absolutely nothing for you to talk about. This is my latest fear, because i'm forcing myself to get out there again and volunteer, and maybe meet a guy, but I don't have anything to say to anyone. My therapist tells me that people love to talk about themselves. Yeh, but I don't have anything to say about myself. This is scary but I know I need to get out and around people again, any suggestions?

I try to use humor in a situation. Maybe joke about something going on around you, but not in a dorky/cheesy way. Also, group situations will differ more than one on one, like with a guy. If you are in a group, get a feel for the conversation and just jump in with a comment/joke/question. I like asking questions to get people to talk to me. There's a lot I don't know and I'm not afraid to ask. For some reason I'm more afraid of appearing as a know-it-all than the opposite.

If you are talking to a guy and he isn't talking, you will probably have to take initiative. Ask him a question. People do love to talk about themselves...and this gives you an idea if he's interested in more than himself if he asks you the same things about yourself.