I need a support buddy


Well-known member
Lately I feel like I've lost my identity to social phobia. I'm currently not receiving treatment but want to work on it alone right now. I would love someone who is also trying to get better so we can give each other support.

If you would like to know more about me and my struggle just let me know.
I'd love a penpal type support, so like e-mail or something.

Dark angel

Well-known member
Well, I think we all here are willing to give you some sort of support but believe me when I'm telling you, SA is something that is not quite easy to deal on yourself.(At least for me) Currently I'm seeing a therapist and thanks to him I'm doing things that I thought I wasn't capable of, like taking acting classes for example. There are tons of other things I need to work on but I'm trying to take them by baby steps. If you want to deal with it on your own, I say you need gradual exposure to those situations that makes you feel uneasy. I know it is uncomfortable but in the long run, you'll get use to those situations and feel better towards them. My advice is to really seek help if you feel you have lost your identity. I know what it feels like because I've been there many times. Actually, I share that same feeling with you still but I'm trying to find myself somewhere. But, answering to your request of a support buddy, sure why not, I'm here to help or read whatever makes you feel sad or unhappy. :)


Well-known member
Thank-you for your reply :). The issue I have with seeking help is the money side, I know there is that mental health plan and everything but that only lasts so long... and also some people I've had in the past weren't very helpful at all. I went to this social phobia treatment group which was great and I learnt lots of great skills there. I'm also studying psychology at uni (ironically) and I know a big part of it is exposure. I would just really like a stable support network as I don't really have one. So just someone who I can directly talk to about my struggles and they can understand my journey? If that makes sense...

I should look into treatment though... I will discuss it next time I see my doctor.. you are right
If you come to look for network support you came probably to the best place, but you should always seek for medical help and friends/family support!