i loathe my job


Well-known member
the only reason i do it is because of the decent $$$, the flexible hours to fit around school, and it's closeby.

other than that i loathe my job. i am a waitress in a high volume restaurant. with social anxiety. that's right. if i'm not on edge about the customers, i'm on edge about my coworkers. it is such a high pressure job. you have to please 324907 different tables at once and make sure that your side jobs are done, too. it is so chaotic and stressful. the things that stress me out are:

- tables who walk out without paying (when this happens they either make your server pay for the meal or write-up the server SO NEVER DO THIS!!)
- tables who abandon their table (it looks like they walked out but they just go outside to smoke or something) but then come back after they have freaked out their server
- the screaming in the back
- the loud environment
- customers who have an attitude problem before you even talk to them
- customers who equate "server" as "personal slave"
- customers trying to get free food for any reason (constantly)
- customers who don't tip, cheap kids, ghetto hoodrats
- having 32497 things to do at once while customers stare at & judge you while you are running around- as if they could do it better HA
- managers who are unappreciative assholes
- asshole coworkers, 2-faced coworkers (not all of them are bad, though)
- people who think they are better than you because you work in a restaurant (they don't realize i make good $ and if i wasn't i sure as hell would not be shoveling shit at this place)

it is so hard because of the social anxiety and avpd. it's like a severe punishment. i hate being there. hate hate hate. i don't have to be at work for another 2 hours but my nerves are already worked up.

eventually i will get a new job. i know that the managers at this place aren't particularly fond of me since i didn't take breaks the other week, i didn't pay for a meal (i thought that it would be on the house), and i wore *gasp* a non-clear nailpolish. maybe subconciously i am testing them to fire me... at the same time, this place is nearby, i have good hours, i make decent money so that is what i value. but it really, really takes its toll. i am a mess of nerves right now and, like i said, i don't even have to be there for another 2 hours.

just needed to vent about that shithole.


Well-known member
First off well done for carrying on with it anyway! I had a bar job, did 1 shift and never went back, and restaurants look worse. Especially if its a busy one like you described.. plenty of people without anxiety problems would hate that kinda job so I'm impressed.
I know exactly the dread you're feeling ... you been there long? Does it get any easier as you get used to it?


Well-known member
thanks! i've been there for 4 months now. it's gotten easier in the sense that i know my role better now (procedures), but the anxiety, dread, and loathing is still there. that doesn't seem to get much easier because there are always rude customers and i know there are employees there that don't like me. there is one girl in particular who doesn't like me (for whatever reason i do not know- i am overly polite) and i cannot stand being around her, either. she always has this nasty snarl on her face, she is demanding, makes loud passive aggressive comments, and constantly screams with her extremely high-pitch, shrill voice. it is hard to ignore her but i don't aknowledge her unless i have to. uuuugh. i have to leave to go to this hell now. bye-bye. :*(