I know I have SA. How do I begin to get treatment?


I've read a lot about SA and also took a lot of online tests...so I've pretty much confirmed for myself that I have SA. Do I just call my doctor at Kaiser and say, "I know I have SA. I want an appointment with you to confirm this"?

I recently met up with my dead birth father's side of the family (I never knew that side because my mom got divorced when I was really young). I found out anxiety runs in the family, and even one (maybe more) of my cousins take diazepam and xanax for anxiety. Will this info help my doctor confirm if I have anxiety?


Well-known member
just talk to your doctor about this.i'm sure he'll be able to confirm if you have SA or not.don't worry so much.treatment will help you. :)


I got Paxil (paroxetine) 10mg/day. I've been reading about severe withdrawal symptoms with this drug :? Anyone have anything good to report?


Well-known member
I've read about horrible stories on this site and others about nasty side effects caused by the use of medication for treating SA...such as sexual dysfunction and major weight gain among others...

I would advise against.