dorian said:
You don't understand to escape, truely escape the pain and misery of life you must be forever beyound the reach of god and devil (they are one and the same) and you can only achieve that by being uncreated.
I do, at least as much one can understand it while living anyway. Quite simply there is no easy way out in this system, one cannot simply cease to exist without the very creator having his way with you, he is life, we are born in life and ect. Who are we to make judgement on the very essence that is life?
As for beyond death? There is no sufferering, there is only the dark and uneventful unconsciousness, no memory, no thinking. But its not the end. The thing to remember about God, or life for that matter, is its primary attribute. And that (prehaps cheesy in our current state of society for some) is love, and no loving creature will ever wrought eternal sufferering apon their own children.
You or anyone does not want to simply un-exsist indefinitely. You may feel so at times, as many people, but its NOT what you want its not what life is. I understand the want and will for oblivion, and I have came to know it is not, but rather the want and will for difference for within... the spirit/life refuses and strives against where as our minds and heart are fickle in the face of anguish.
Masamune your first quotation is mostly correct from my POV, death is sleep not finality and within it we become perfectly oblivious and yet it is not full out oblivion. And yes heh those dreams are all too common for me, waking up and hating exisitance, wishing to just be realeased from consiousness ect. Not sure about the second one however... it is true that depravity and overly lengthy entertainment primary is used for those seeking escape.
Also Dorian, there is much to live for it is just a matter of being shown what is so great about it. It is my knowledge MANY people have yet to see things in a certain light, a light that is both inspiring and strengthening at the same time. Finally it is not your life to take. (example. what if you was to murder? Suicide is essentially the same thing. Disregard for life).
[Unrelated but im sorry if any replies are slow from me, im in one of those sleep deprived/depressive cycles that I get all to often, laughable because its brought on by denying ignorance. Simply put, things previously mundane have an all so terrible look about them when brought into the light (society). Its a bad habit anyway, I get too worked up other things at times and it brings me down.]