I just need help.

I am a sixteen year old girl, reaching that point in my life where it's sort of required that you start talking about your future, but I really just don't want to. Unlike all of other friends at school who are all wishing to be eighteen and move out into the real world, I am not. I want to stay young forever, I don't want to deal with growing old. It's just really getting me. On top of this all I am currently in the process of moving because of my mom's job, so I'm sort of forced into liking the new area but to be honest I feel like I will have no friends in this place or succeed. Even better yet, I have the fear of dying or well there not being an afterlife and death being the end of all ends.. so I've been overthinking a lot of things lately and I really wish I could stop. Any advice for a miserable soul?


Well-known member
Four years ago I didn't want to get a job, a license, think about the future, or think of anything but hanging around my few friends. But after I was kind of forced to go off to college and had a break down and went home, I changed a lot. Eventually you're going to want to think about the future because, for the most part, that's where your adult life is really going to begin. It's hard to think about it though when you're going through tough times and anxiety issues, but eventually you have to do it. Sounds like you still have a couple years left of school anyway, so there's a lot of time to think it over at your own pace.