I just don't know how to be "informal" with people =/


Well-known member
I don't know how to be "informal" with people.

So I just come off as a super-serious, ultra-formal, dry-as-cardboard person who's basically "stuck up" himself.

Sure, you can have a "serious / formal conversation / interview" with me. But if you just want a "friendly, laid-back chat"? Heh. Have fun trying! It's not like I don't want to - I just can't!!! I don't know how.

So people think I'm just really "unfriendly" and like to "keep to myself".

I'm probably the complete antithesis to what today's society wants out of people - bubbly, light-hearted, laid-back, "friendly", outgoing, chat-able, easygoing, comfortable to be around, etc. etc. If you ever want to say something positive about anyone, use one of those adjectives and it'll work like a charm in today's society. Unfortunately, I am the complete opposite to each and every one of those adjectives.

I just feel like a robot in everyday life. Like I might as well not exist as a human - because I don't know how to be one. People chat, and act, informally with eachother very well. But suddenly when they interact with me all of that changes, and they act as if they're conversing with a robot. They suddenly get all serious, all formal.

And when they do that, somewhere deep inside, the robot cries.


Well-known member
What do you talk about? What do they talk to you about? I think that might help narrow it down. Maybe listen to what people say and learn from that, I know it's hard, but it's a start. Though topic wise, I think talking about similar interest helps, providing your own opinion such as "this is cool! i love this such and such character" etc..

And I don't think there's anything wrong with people being formal, but if you want people to be informal to you, than you'll have to as well. I think social anxiety stops you from forming a smooth conversation as it kinda makes you think before you speak. Most people just naturally speak before they think which is in turn becomes informal in my opinion. So maybe if social anxiety is your problem, you'll need to work on that before working on issues like these.