i have missed 18 months of school please help


Active member
im 16 and i have had ocd since second grade. i had an abusive childhood witch led me to use alcohol and drugs. i have been sober for 6 months and i have missed 18 months of school and i have been hospitalized many times and on meds and therapists since second grade. i am currently med free and havent been in a hospital for months and im trying to go back to school. i use deep breathing and exercise and eat healthy but im having a hard time returning to regular life. if anyone has advice please give it.


Well-known member
zeke24 said:
im 16 and i have had ocd since second grade. i had an abusive childhood witch led me to use alcohol and drugs. i have been sober for 6 months and i have missed 18 months of school and i have been hospitalized many times and on meds and therapists since second grade. i am currently med free and havent been in a hospital for months and im trying to go back to school. i use deep breathing and exercise and eat healthy but im having a hard time returning to regular life. if anyone has advice please give it.
hey zeke..good for you for being sober..and the natural approach you're using to get healthy! Is there any way you could home school..or go to a local adult learning centre or something, to finish your schooling, to ease into it better?


Well-known member
high school can be hard, but really the only problem i see is the mean people. some kids are just jerks but most people are really cool. i think if u avoid school it would be bad. if you dont face your problem u'll never overcome it. u'll feel confused and not know what to do or expect but its natural. theres nothing that will make you not feel that way. it will go away though and thats what you need to keep in mind. get involved in after school clubs or activitys do anything to keep busy and keep your mind off the bad thoughts. i wish i could could do high school over, i never made any effort to make friends or try out for teams, never had a girlfriend when there were many that i would have liked to get to know and do things with. now i look back and think wow i just wasted what most would say are suposed to be the most fun and memorable years of life, theres no way to get those years back man. sorry about the long post, good luck man


Active member
thanks for the advice, i went to school a couple times but i only worked with a teacher and the students are the problem. ive always gotten bullied and had a hard time making friends. whats really hard for me is going to class and showing physical signs of anxiety and being anxious even more about other kids noticing. same with my compulsions. i could get my ged, but it would also be in classes.:( there is a small possibility of home school but im smarter than my grandma who would have to teach. im going to work with my therapist to overcome all my problems. btw sometimes at night before i go to sleep i hear noises or voices and i think it is from ptsd anyone have any thoughts about that?


Well-known member
zeke24 said:
thanks for the advice, i went to school a couple times but i only worked with a teacher and the students are the problem. ive always gotten bullied and had a hard time making friends. whats really hard for me is going to class and showing physical signs of anxiety and being anxious even more about other kids noticing. same with my compulsions. i could get my ged, but it would also be in classes.:( there is a small possibility of home school but im smarter than my grandma who would have to teach. im going to work with my therapist to overcome all my problems. btw sometimes at night before i go to sleep i hear noises or voices and i think it is from ptsd anyone have any thoughts about that?
hey zeke, i don't know anything about the noises or voices, and the connection to post-traumatic stress disorder, but my feeling is that yes, there could be a connection. Definitely something to mention to a therapist, so you could go forward with your schooling and your life. You don't deserve to suffer anymore. Good luck to you, let us know how it goes..we're here for you too :)



hey why dont u go to a high school online?! :D...a cyber high school. that would make things easier, no?