I have found a solution for my feet!


... about time...

i am so glad so i wont have to spend a fortune anymore on products i had to buy in health stores. I ll still buy special soles and socks 9made out of silver fiber) just to be on the safe side, but after only 2 days of applying driclor on my feet, i dont have et, sweaty feets, hence no more changing socks 3 times a day etc etc

It has been only two days and even yetsreday my feet stayed dried ALL day and guess what, i even ran with trainers... nothing, total dryness.

If you are also suffering from Planter HH , try ise, it is worth is, well it workes for me anyway. I got it on prescription but apprently u can get it over the counter now. 20% w/w

Obviously i am not leaving these boards as i found about Declor on here. Thank you all for your help and support :)