I have decided...


Well-known member
...that I am going to seriously consider moving to a different country.

One of the people I know from work has just posted some photos on Facebook. They're having fun - and what are they doing? Sitting around in the garden, with loads of fags and booze. Fantastic. All this talk of trying to make friends and that's what it's all for? Getting pissed?

Yes, I don't have to join in and not everybody does the same thing, but that really is what most people do here. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's the same all around the world and I just don't know it?

I've always had it in the back of my mind and this just makes me want to do it more. I don't know when, and I don't know where - I think anywhere that this isn't the general idea of 'fun' will do. I have no ties and I'm not going anywhere here - why not see the world?

It's not a knee jerk reaction, I'm not going tomorrow, I'm only thinking about it, and there are other reasons ;)


I have been thinking about this, because I feel like it might help me open up a bit, at least. Get very far away from my family and everyone else I know and I might feel like i have nothing to lose. Plus i like the idea of standing out a bit for being 'exotic' (can Americans be exotic? Bleh, probably not :p ).

When (if) I graduate college I am going to look for jobs somewhere far away, see if there is anything out there for me. (Well I can dream, can't I?...)


Active member
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,I too always think of moving to another country,countries I have been to-Brazil and Japan,but I want to experience living in Canada,Finland or another part of Europe,I like the cold,this time in Japan is to hot and humid,I hate it.......