I have a problem.


Well-known member
It's been 4 days & 3 nights since i've slept.. During this all i've done is a shit-load of Coke, 3 cases of Budwieser & sleep with half a dozen Crack-whores.
The come down i'm feeling now is bad.... I honestly believe i need to get into some sort of Rehab, but i dunno what to expect & if i'm gonna be able to admit defeat & enter a place like this.. Hav any of you guys gone through any sort of Rehab & if so, what is it like..??? Thanks in advance.

SilentType, please don't contribute to this thread because you is fucking stupid.


Well-known member
The fact that you think you need rehab is a very good sign. I am not going to judge you online cause I have nt walked in your shoes so I am in no position to judge or realy give advise.

In the mater of fact I am sure something had to of happen to trigger your behavior. Maby one day you will maby share your story with us (thats when your ready that is) Or maby send us some photos of your choice in the gallery. It doesnt have to be your actual pic maby just the landscape or pets you have.

Anyway you sound like a very nice person who has just lost their way for a bit but i am confident that you will pull through and get back on course.


Ok, I've hope you're getting help, but if not I hope yourre reading posts. I've been through rehab for alcoholism. It's a scary place at first but it does get easier. You're not admitting defeat, by doing this is the most brave thing any one could do. If you don't do it then you're admitting defeat to the drug and giving up on yourself. Think about how scared you are to go, now imaging if you force yourself to go anyway. The kind of high you get once you walk out of that place knowing you can now do something with your life, is the most incredible thing ever. You suffer from agoraphobia right? Do you know how you felt the first time you left the house and felt fine? If you've never experience that, then you've got nothing to loose and everything to gain.
I hope this helps and let me know if you need anything. The scariest part for me going was not knowing what to expect and not being able to leave. Here's what to expect; people don't judge you, they are there to help you. All the other people are going through what you are, so you're not alone. And you're not forced to stay there, it your choice to make your life better, are you brave enough?