
New member
I really want to kill myself, i know its a terrible thinto say but it's true, i cant go on like this anymore. i cant talk to people, everyone thinks im a joke..im sick of it all :(


Active member
Just wait a month or so before you do anything. Things won't get perfect in a month of course, but they may be less bad. Can't you talk at least to people over the internet? Here many have issues akin to yours and, if anywhere, here you can be understood.
So, why don't you begin and tell us what is wrong? If you have come here, you are still looking for help and still have a bit of hope, so speak up!


Well-known member
cheddarr said:
I really want to *****, i know its a terrible thinto say but it's true, i cant go on like this anymore. i cant talk to people, everyone thinks im a joke..im sick of it all :(
I'm the same. I'm so desperate that I have decided to search for relief through my religion.


Well-known member
I'm so desperate for human interaction I'm thinking about joining a religion, although I generally found all of them I experienced to be too "hellfire and brimstone"/controlling for my liking. But if it's an escape from this isolated agonizing loneliness, well then I guess that's what I have to do.


Active member
I just discovered Meetup.com from another post in here. there may be a SAD group that meets in your area. I only have been on this site for a short time and am learning a lot, discovered another site as well. don't give up!


Well-known member
cheddarr said:
I really want to *****, i know its a terrible thinto say but it's true, i cant go on like this anymore. i cant talk to people, everyone thinks im a joke..im sick of it all :(

I feel like that a lot. My emotions are really up and down. Sometimes (for very brief moments) i will feel pretty happy and then the next im depressed or suicidal. Its hard to find things that are good in life....i try not to even look because i never find much and it just makes it worse. My life is pathetic and i dont see how its going to get better.

Just hang in there...it helps to talk about it :wink:


Active member
You are not a joke. People just don't understand us, but here we are more understnading. It's not your fault things can be extremely tough I know, hang in there.
Perhaps a religion such as Budhism may help? I don't think much about religion, but I know the Budhism promotes calmness within (such as meditation). After all, SA is a mental condition and meditation can calm the mind.

I've tried meditating a few times, but have never really stuck to it.

Good luck.



Well-known member
go to your doctor and get some councelling/therepy, It will help a great deal to talk to someone unbiast about your problems they will help you to put things into perspective and help you move forward .things can get better you know its not always a down hill slope.


autumn_82 said:
I'm so desperate for human interaction I'm thinking about joining a religion, although I generally found all of them I experienced to be too "hellfire and brimstone"/controlling for my liking. But if it's an escape from this isolated agonizing loneliness, well then I guess that's what I have to do.

Try Buddhism. That one isn't really about going to hell.

Also, hello fellow Hawaii person! Good to know I am not alone here on the island.