I hate capitalisme system


Well-known member
From birth we learn that we need to earn and consume..
Need to work with people I cant choose,
The constant -fake- pressure that work and society puts on you
to me its modern day slavery,
+ I hate people who take work so seriously
Its like I think so much different about work then the people I met
on work to me they are sheeps who take blindly orders
from authority figures...I cant stand athority figures
(maybe because im afraid) but it still feels fake
Everyone is the same , nobody tells me what to do
or if im doing it wrong my stress level go high and
and want to leave... but my mind is still
stuck in this fake world with fake capitalisme...
its like communisme but the majority of people are sheeps
maybe the majority why i dont like work is sa & gad but
I think if I wouldnt have that work still feels like modern day slavery

deleted #89

Could this really be about how you feel about yourself?

new account

Active member
Could this really be about how you feel about yourself?

I think that people who feel good about themselves still don't want to have to work. If he felt perfect about himself, I think he'd still feel like a slave at work. Might some people not complain about work since the rest of their life is perfect? Maybe, but that's being brainwashed. If someone loved to work, then something is wrong with them. Think about someone saying "I love taking orders. I love listening to a boss like he is god. I love not being able to complain to customers when they scream at me because I might lose my job. I love wasting at least eight hours of my day doing what other people want me to do."

I know you have to work to pay your bills, but no one actually enjoys it. I know that we wouldn't be living well if people didn't work to bring us all this food and everything else, but it still feels horrible.


Well-known member
From birth we learn that we need to earn and consume..
Need to work with people I cant choose,
The constant -fake- pressure that work and society puts on you
to me its modern day slavery,
+ I hate people who take work so seriously
Its like I think so much different about work then the people I met
on work to me they are sheeps who take blindly orders
from authority figures...I cant stand athority figures
(maybe because im afraid) but it still feels fake
Everyone is the same , nobody tells me what to do
or if im doing it wrong my stress level go high and
and want to leave... but my mind is still
stuck in this fake world with fake capitalisme...
its like communisme but the majority of people are sheeps
maybe the majority why i dont like work is sa & gad but
I think if I wouldnt have that work still feels like modern day slavery

I hear ya. It´s a rat race. People are like rats running in a trap.
Or sheep, for that matter.


Well-known member
From birth we learn that we need to earn and consume..
Need to work with people I cant choose,
The constant -fake- pressure that work and society puts on you
to me its modern day slavery,
+ I hate people who take work so seriously
Its like I think so much different about work then the people I met
on work to me they are sheeps who take blindly orders
from authority figures...I cant stand athority figures
(maybe because im afraid) but it still feels fake
Everyone is the same , nobody tells me what to do
or if im doing it wrong my stress level go high and
and want to leave... but my mind is still
stuck in this fake world with fake capitalisme...
its like communisme but the majority of people are sheeps
maybe the majority why i dont like work is sa & gad but
I think if I wouldnt have that work still feels like modern day slavery

Wait, what?

" but my mind is still
stuck in this fake world with fake capitalisme...
its like communisme"

Do you know the actual differences between the two?

The best part of the capitalist system is the free market. If you don't like working for someone, you can start your own business and work for yourself as an independent person.

Do you like surfing? Then you can make surfboards and be a successful person with lots of money because you make good surfboards. Then your business gets bigger and you hire some "sheep...slaves" to help you build boards. Sounds pretty good to me considering the only person holding you back is yourself.