I hate being me


New member
Hi, I was curious if I have SP. I have always been shy growing up. I hated finding a seat on the bus going to school in the morning. I was very nervous about it, it was torture. Sometimes I stood there for awhile until someone made room for me. I moved around a lot growing up. As long as I was at a school for awhile and saw the same people every day I had friends. When we moved it was very hard to make new friends. When I graduated I lost all my friends because I quit seeing them everyday. I no longer felt comfortable around them.
I got married at 17. I am now 32 with two young children. I only go places with my husband or my mom. I am too uncomfortable to go anywhere by myself. I hate answering phones and avoid it by running the phone to my husband. I hate having to talk one on one on a phone and the awkward silence. The only people I talk to on the phone are my mom or husband.
I can talk to people if my husband is with me. I am sort of friends with his sister. I have been out with her a couple of times by myself. I always feel uncomfortable the whole time. I feel like I need to talk the whole time to avoid awkward silence. I have trouble deciding where to place my eyes. Usually I make eye contact the whole time while they are talking. I can't just be friends and talk freely without thinking about these things. When I come back I feel so relieved and exhuasted.
I was going to try and force myself to make friends. So I joined a mom meetup group. I felt nervous both times I went. The first time two moms came to the park. One mom was friendly and talkative to me the other was stand offish. So the next time the stand offish one was the group leader and we had a picnic with our familys. I couldn't talk for thirty minutes. Finally someone talked to me and I tried to join in the conversation and sat at the mother table. I probably looked like I pounced on them. Then I just sat there and said nothing. Finally everyone left and my husband and I found our dessert in the trash. I figured they must have hated us. Later I thought maybe there were flys on it. I am always afraid everyone is going to hate me.
So my husband and I went to his friends house the other day. I talked to his friends wife and we have kids the same age. She wanted to come over to our house the next day while our husbands were at work. I was instantly totally nervous about her coming. She texted me that she could not make it and I was relieved. I would love to be friends with her but I just wish I could be normal. Why can't I be normal and have firends that I can talk to freely without feeling uncomfortable. Usually I just sit at home because it is easier than feeling this way. I envy people who have friends and do stuff with them. Why do I have to constantly feel uncormfortable and nervous? Is there any way to get over these feelings?



Well-known member
You were wondering whether you might be suffering social anxiety, it does sound like it to me - you will find a lot of people that can fully relate here. The good thing is that you came across this forum and have found a community that understands how you're feeling and a good place to share your problems and get some support.

Welcome to the forum. :)


Well-known member
Hello, nice to have you here. I just joined myself so hopefully things go well here. I'm sorry to hear your feeling this way. I don't know if this will work for you but me if I'm not comfortable or on alert status when around others. I try to mentally take note of how I'm feeling, stop myself and allow me to step back from things. Its tough work when your actually in the environment so they say but try not letting it be. Identify it then change it.

Hope your time here helps eases things.


New member
Thanks for the welcome. Reading other posts it sounds like I must be in the right place. Has anyone on here been able to overcome their feelings?
Hi Julia
I sympathise with everything you said and most of the things you suffer from i am affected with. I am 32 as well, and as much as the shyness has been there all my life and is pretty much a family problem. i have always worked in customer service type jobs and a couple of years ago I started to panic when the phone rang. I really don't know why and needless to say i no longer work in these jobs. and for me it really has snow balled and has taken over me. I dread any type of social gathering at all and yet i never seem to get a couple of months in between a "not allowed to miss" event. this affects me so badly that when my wife said in january that 2011 would have 21st's, engagements, christenings, anniversarys, and at least 3 weddings. and all but one was on her side of the family I considered leaving her! I know how silly that is but i really did think that would be easier. the trouble is i am afraid to seek help because that means confronting the problem, that means facing the parties head on and that scares me to the extent i shake and sometimes cry.
I don't know whats happening to me.
I really applaud the efforts you have made. it shows that you have the strength to win your battle. it seems your family are supportive and understanding and that is really important.
...the trouble is i am afraid to seek help because that means confronting the problem, that means facing the parties head on...

No, seeking help means being provided with the support and mental tools to face the problem with much lower levels of fear, so its more like integrating with the problem than confronting it. Thats been my experience anyway :)


Your internalizing everything. Don't think. Just be. Don't think about how to make eye contact with someone. If you don't think about it, it comes naturally. You are focused too much internally. Facing your fears head on is the only way to really get past them for good. Go places, talk to people without your husband present. Accept your current situation for as it is. Just embrace everything. You will feel peaceful doing so. I used to have agoraphobia, social anxiety, OCD. It is when I stopped fighting it/or resisting it is when it all went away for good. Surrender to your current situation. People might say that surrendering is a weakness. That is an illusion. True surrender has the ability to turn fear/anxiety into peace. That in itself is powerful. Live in the present moment. Live second t second. Do you have any problems at this millisecond in time? No. Because your not thinking about it. Reading my post right here takes your mind off your problems, does it not? It is because you are present in the moment. In the present moment you don't have time to think. Practice staying present in the moment. You will feel better. I promise you. Human minds are trapped in time. Past, future. Constantly thinking. Have you ever noticed that when your not thinking at all is when you feel best? Stay present. For your problems go away. The moment you get a thought is when your back in time, living in the mind.