Wow... I mean just wow. That struck me as extremely bizzarre that you went into such detail but hey I'm not complaining. Then again I hope that isn't related to any deeper sexual attention issues you might have.
As for alcohol and awkward sexual encounters, yah, that's the whole point of alcohol (for most adolescent males and females at least) in case you are just now figuring that out. You either avoid the situation or accept or rationalize the awkward-ness in some way.
I have come on to a chick while buzzed, said no to, and felt really rejected and awkward not only at the moment but for a few days.... and weeks... after when I worked with her but its not a big deal really. She was clearly a lot more embarrassed/pissed over it than I was (she acted like I was some creep). I am not going to feel any shame over it or be pissed at her over it... she was sending out some conflicting signs is all, I really could care less whether she understood that or not (and you should not over your situation either). I was still more than willing to be her friend as soon as she got off her little uppity snooty trip, which she did eventually. You just messed around while drunk... easy enough to get over but maybe not so good to do that with someone you are going to frequently see in passing. What you feel is natural and you will get over it.
And if you ever want to get your verbal freak on, gimme a call, because clearly you got some freaky lines. lol. just kidden