I had a fight with my only friend

That's your friend trying to help you. Join AA or a similar organization to get your drinking problem under control.


Well-known member
In the light of the situation with your friend, is pasting an exact transcript of your private conversation on a public website really a good idea? Wouldn't it have been better to explain the situation in your own words? I'm just worried that if he sees this, he may feel he can never trust you again.

He sounds like someone that does care for you very much, but clearly he has reached his limit and this just may be going a little too far. I just want you to be cautious, that's all.

I hope you are able to get the help and support you need, though. Please do something positive to make a difference to your life.


Well-known member
sounds like your friend is tired of playing 'babysitter'... when you get ridiculously drunk, it's gonna fuck up everyone elses night cause they end up having to watch after you.

It's okay if it happens only once every few months, but if it happens on a regular basis then yeah, no ones gonna want to go out drinking with ya.

I doubt you need to go to AA. As you said in your other thread, you drink to calm your anxiety. You just gotta find something else to help take the edge off.


Active member
Judging by the replies here, it sounds like something exactly the same happened to me on Friday night.

Me and my best/only mate had been planning to go and watch a band play at a club down the road for a few weeks. It came to Friday and he and his sister (who I fancy) turned up. I decided I wanted to have a few drinks before we went so I could loosen up & dance or whatever when I got there. We had a bottle of wine each and went to the club. The night went really well, band was amazing, had a dance with my mates sister for a bit afterwards, my mate was just standing there looking pissed off and watching. I saw a few people looking over at me and began to feel a bit self-conscious but didn;t worry about it. I had about 4 pints while I was there.

When the club closed and we got back to mine, had another bottle of wine, and the subject of me staying in my flat for about 2 months a while back came up. I told my mate I wasn't going to talk about it, coz he was the only person I had told and I didn't want to go into it in front of his sister. He kept going on and on about it (hes a prick when he's drunk) and I ended up saying I had agoraphobia & was going through a really rough patch back then, he told me it was bullshit even though I'd spoke to him loads about it before, I was screwing at him about making me talk about it in front of his sister, she was telling me to ignore him because he was drunk, I ended up slamming the door on him and haven't spoke to him since.

I'm not sure how harsh I was or what exactly I'd said to him that night because I can't really remember, but I sent him a text saying 'whats happening man, sorry if I was a c**t the other night, I can't really remember what happened. Give me a bell when you can.' I've heard nothing since, so the past few days have been really bad for me, I no longer have a single friend left, and I feel really ashamed about dancing in the club (something I make sure I never do) and talking about this stuff in front of my mate's sister :(


Well-known member
i've read your post befor , the regret of posting is a strong feeling isn't it :/, but that was a alright post :)

i'm going to be bold here.

to me you're hiding behind the fact you have SA, he's right, you abused alcohol and embarased him , and it may turn into a problem to you, even when you "admited" you was wrong you put your sa in the way and did in a prideful way.

there's a magic word you could use with him: "sorry", admiting you were wrong is a big step and passing through our pride is hard, but he's your friend , and by what i read he's a good friend!.