I will work in a sport store, doing customer service. Deep down my SAD is very severe but i manage to fake it really well. I got it by luck, through a friend and i start on monday. I been looking for jobs since i was 15...and i am 16 now and i will get 8 dollars an hour. I am so excited and nervous but heckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk MY FIRST JOB. So happy, i just had to share this with this site :).


Well-known member
Thats awesome and very exciting. I'm sure you'll do great. Working helps with SA because you're not stuck in the house and you do talk to people. Let us know how your first day goes.


Nice one!!! :D Its great you feel excited about it and i reckon if you stick it out it will really boost your confidence,and lol for the time being your off the hook from me pecking your head about making that phone call :wink: hope it goes well which im sure it will and remember even the most confident of people get nervous about new jobs ect
$8/hr is great, back in 2006 when I had a job it was minimum wage, which was $5.15/hr back then. The first 30 minutes of work every shift was just enough to cover the cost of driving there and back.

Hold on to that job unless it really sucks.

Aww thanks everybody for the support. I will only work till July because i am going to the dominican republic for vacation and then i will go to college in september. I don't know what i will do without this site.

@ Danfalc...lol i know i been saying that i will do it. Sometimes i just feel calm so i forget about it. I think i will wait till i go to college, i am going away so i rather get help there. THanks so much though.


Well-known member
Wow well done!! :D

I'm hoping to start looking for my first job soon too, but don't quite have the courage that you do! :p


Well-known member
Yo man, props. I felt the exact same way when i got my first job. IF it gets hard for you don't give up man, stick with and it will get better.

I am girl lol but thanks haha. Yes i will stick to it because if i quit i will make my frien dlook bad...she was the one that got me the job. Anyways THANKS!!!!
This post (and my desire for a Volkswagen GTI) inspired me to go looking for a job today. I applied at 3 places, hopefully one of them will have an opening.


Way to go! I was really nervous when I started my job (I work in retail) but it's not really so bad in my case because everything is pretty much scripted. I say the exact same thing to everyone, so I don't worry about making a bad impression, etc.

Wish you the best of luck :D


Well-known member
good luck.!!! thisis a step in th right sirection. being around people for hours each day will help you have a little less anxiety.

Once again thank you guys for the support. Today was my first day, i was nervous at first but then i was anxious free. Seriously, i was just being friendly, doing cashier and helping people. Its funny how i can easily fake it. I need the money so lol, i hate standing up the whole day though but heck i'll get use to it.

lucifersam said:
This post (and my desire for a Volkswagen GTI) inspired me to go looking for a job today. I applied at 3 places, hopefully one of them will have an opening.

I am glad it did aww...i feel so flatter. Anyways, just try to be positive i know a lot of ppl say this stuff but is true. If you stay positive and with a smile and you are determined you will get that job. I promise that working around people will make your anxiety level go down. It was my first day today and heck i was nervous at first and then i felt like a pro. I was smiling to ppl and asking them if they need any help normally. I did cashier and stuff...I learned it pretty fast. GOOD LUCK!! and if you don't get the job...don't get upset, i applied to like 10 different places before i got this job.

I get so tired i feel like quitting the job. The manager is kind of annoying and he expects me to learn all the prices in fukin 2 days. He was being an a.ss because we wasn't getting a lot of customers and started talking shi.it that i am always laughing. Well i am always laughing because the customers are friendly and start laughing so i start laughing too, i can't be mad all the time. He never sees me helping or doing anything else...GOD. i am so annoyed but i can't quit because i need the money and then i will make my frien dlook bad. I hate people, i thought inside of me that i am doing a good job and b.c someone left a bag of peanuts and their purse he is acting like its my fault i didn't look out for the customer when both my friend and i were taking care of the customer. My friend told him that it is not our fault or my fault that they left that stuff there. I felt pretty crappy when he started talking sh.it as if i am no tdoing the work. Then my friend told me that he talks a lot of sh.it when he is ain't getting enough ppl......................I HATE PPL!!!!!!!!.


Well-known member
Well I think lots of times your not gonna like your boss. I say that if your anxiety isnt that bad then you should stay there. I remeber my first week of I work I wanted to quit. Some of the people I worked with werent nice, a lot of the customers were rude, and it was taking me FOREVER to figure out how to do everything.

But after that I really liked working at the place i was at. So maybe you should just give it more time. It could get better.