I get it now


Well-known member
I think I get something now, that guy that I thought I was so crazy about was actually a big jerk, and I think I get it now that he was just using me, why didn't I see it before, was I so blind? Or did I just not want to face the truth, that he was a sneaky sleaze who saw that I was weak and pounced on me.

I spent months whining about how I wanted him back, even though he was a stupid little bully who only ever thought of himself all the time.
I can't believe I actually fell for that, I thought it was all my fault.
He made a big deal over how I'll never have a "healthy relationship" like him, but hello, he's never had a girlfriend for more than a week!!!

And he went on and on about how I wasn't normal, but the truth is, I'll get better one day, but sadly for him, he'll always be a sleaze and a liar, and I don't think you can recover from that.

I also have to admit, that since he's been gone, it's been the best two months of my life, with no-one to bully me :D and even better, I changed my phone number and deleted his number, so he can't ever contact me again!!!!

I wonder why I didn't realise earlier? He's a big stupid loser!!


Well-known member
Emma said:
I changed my phone number and deleted his number, so he can't ever contact me again!!!!
Hell hath no fury worse than a woman spurned. ;)

Sometimes it's best to let go of the things that bother you. But to keep these things in perspective, it's prudent to realize that most things that go out with a bang, actually end with a whimper. Should it apply, hang in there. =)


Emma said:
I think I get something now, that guy that I thought I was so crazy about was actually a big jerk, and I think I get it now that he was just using me, why didn't I see it before, was I so blind? Or did I just not want to face the truth, that he was a sneaky sleaze who saw that I was weak and pounced on me.

I spent months whining about how I wanted him back, even though he was a stupid little bully who only ever thought of himself all the time.
I can't believe I actually fell for that, I thought it was all my fault.
He made a big deal over how I'll never have a "healthy relationship" like him, but hello, he's never had a girlfriend for more than a week!!!

And he went on and on about how I wasn't normal, but the truth is, I'll get better one day, but sadly for him, he'll always be a sleaze and a liar, and I don't think you can recover from that.

I also have to admit, that since he's been gone, it's been the best two months of my life, with no-one to bully me :D and even better, I changed my phone number and deleted his number, so he can't ever contact me again!!!!

I wonder why I didn't realise earlier? He's a big stupid loser!!

you go girl. lol. don't ever let a guy make you feel like your trapped & you need him too get by.

my anxiety actually starting happening when me & my ex broke up. we were together for almost 3 years. he always made me feel like i was the bad one. always filled me head with horrible things. ex: why do you do that. you know, people are looking at you like your stupid. you can never get any better then me, etc. i actually stopped hanging out with all my friends because i was soo stupid to believe all the lies that he told me about them.

but, my point is. he made me feel trapped, like i could never get any better then him. messed with my head really bad. & now i have to live with the SP because of it =/

soo, dont fall for assholes :) you sound like a very smart girl. i'm sure you can have just about any guy that you choose.



Well-known member
I don't know why I'm going to annoy you all with this, but I don't know who to tell, or anyone that wants to listen, at least you can look away from this if you so wish.

He just signed into msn ( I haven't blocked him because I would like to think I am strong enought ignore the bastard now)
and he just started really bullying me badly, he told me I was screwed up, that most people have left home and got a university degree by the time they are my age (21) and that i am a lazy loser, the only thing I had left is my dignity, and I feel like he just snatched it away from me, I didn't let on to him that I was upset, or that I had tears rolling down my cheeks, I stayed calm, and gave calm answers like I didn't care, because I knew that would annoy him, and it did :D ( the best revenge is to live well right?)

The thing I don't understand is, why me? What did I ever to do him? and why did I deserve this? I have never in my life tried to hurt anyone, and I just feel like I'm being punished, I didn't want to cry, but I am now :cry:

I know I should block him, but I won't because it will let him think he's one, so I will just stay online and pretend he doesn't bother me, because I am so stubborn, and want to stand my ground, even though I feel like I've been punched in the stomach, at the very least, shouldn't I allow myself to win some part of this battle?

Sorry for wasting your time


Well-known member
Emma said:
I don't know why I'm going to annoy you all with this, but I don't know who to tell, or anyone that wants to listen, at least you can look away from this if you so wish.

He just signed into msn ( I haven't blocked him because I would like to think I am strong enought ignore the bastard now)
and he just started really bullying me badly, he told me I was screwed up, that most people have left home and got a university degree by the time they are my age (21) and that i am a lazy loser, the only thing I had left is my dignity, and I feel like he just snatched it away from me, I didn't let on to him that I was upset, or that I had tears rolling down my cheeks, I stayed calm, and gave calm answers like I didn't care, because I knew that would annoy him, and it did :D ( the best revenge is to live well right?)

The thing I don't understand is, why me? What did I ever to do him? and why did I deserve this? I have never in my life tried to hurt anyone, and I just feel like I'm being punished, I didn't want to cry, but I am now :cry:

I know I should block him, but I won't because it will let him think he's one, so I will just stay online and pretend he doesn't bother me, because I am so stubborn, and want to stand my ground, even though I feel like I've been punched in the stomach, at the very least, shouldn't I allow myself to win some part of this battle?

Sorry for wasting your time
Hey Emma, firstly, you are not wasting our time..or annoying us :wink: ..and i think this guy is a coward to send hurtful messages on msn to you. I would consider blocking him though, cause really that could be considered a sign of strength, that you're not gonna put up with his crap anymore, on any level :wink: