i found this website......


Well-known member
and it said that Nardil or Klonopin is really good 4 SP im going to the docs 2moz 2 ask for it and if he refuses might even buy it off the net yes im that desperate!!!lol it sounds really good what hes put and ill try ne thin 2 overcome this


Well-known member
If your gonna take Nardil you should do some more reasearch on it doctors dont prescribe it much anymore for a reason. It could be fatal if you dont follow all the dietery rules on that stuff.


New member
Klonopin did nothing for me. Not to say that it won't work for you, but if you are going to go through a lot of trouble to get it well just be prepared that it might not be the miracle you are expecting.


Well-known member
Nardil is usually used as a last resort because of the dietery rules and the fact that a overdose Nardil can be fatal.Unlike something like overdoes of Prozac wish would just make you really sick.

I take clonazepam the generic form of Klonopin.It has help me a lot with anxiety and what panic attack I still have but drug seem to have deferent affect on deferent people.It still wouldn't hurt to try it out though.


Well-known member
well ive been and ive got clonazepam but doc stressed that it was not 4 long term but if it helps im not coming off it!what mg are you on and how long have u been on it septor?