I found the cause of my social anxiety


Well-known member
I think I found the main cause of my social anxiety! I find myself ugly, period. But what now? I can't change my face..


Well-known member
I understand what you mean, but nope. Ugliness has nothing to do with social anxiety. It's just the easiest thing to blame because its the most visible and we all do it or have done it to some degree. If you could suddenly get perfect looks, it wouldn't change much at all if your state of mind isn't right. All it would do is shift the focus to other things...maybe you start to think that you are not charming or funny enough...maybe you arn't smart enough or likeable enough..the list can go on and on.

When you keep trying to focus on stopping the pain, you end up finding whatever you want to find. There will always be something. Your looks, your personality, or social ability or likeability that is wrong. Maybe sometimes we just have to stop looking at what is wrong and start looking at how we can enjoy being more social for a change. The more we try to stop the pain the more pain we give ourselves.


its all in your head, an illusion to shag your mind back to kindom come

don't let it shag you too much