i found out i'm required to take a Speech class...


well for me i have to wear glasses, so when I give a speech I just take off my glasses and it's easier to make eye contact :] Try not to make too much eye contact, and if you do it's probably easier to stare at the back wall. If your mouth trembles when you speak, i've found that doing something like wiggling your toes repeatedly stops it from occuring... Try and use good intonation because it makes the speech seem more interesting. This article might help: How to Say a Speech Without Getting Nervous - wikiHow
Good luck!


Well-known member
Whatever you do, don't drink before having to give a speech. I had to take a public speaking class in college. I usually drank before classes (not all, but many) During our second to the last speech, I drank too much. I can't remember all the details, but I ended up having a nervous breakdown and someone called the hospital and I stayed over night. Not worth it! If you have trouble, speak to your teacher and they might go easier on you and spend one-on-one time with you. I wish I did that.


Well-known member
Well I didn't have to take speech class fortunately, but I had to give two presentations in one semester. Yes it was really dreadful when I knew that.
But using med helped me alot. I didn't use "xanax" regulary, but used it on that week.

Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed one of presentations. I was confident. Score was 99%.
I'm not saying that you should use the same med or depend on med.
I'm saying giving speech may not be that bad you think. Good luck.


Well-known member
I took a speech class my freshman year of college, I think I would have been better at it my senior year. I had more confidence, had to do informal speeches throughout the years which would have prepared me for the formal ones, etc. But, oh well...I survived, lol. I would cry after each speech, which would mean missing Chapel (Christian school, I had speech class then Chapel), we could only miss a certain # of chapels.....