I finally found new formula for ionto


Well-known member
Hi guys,

Long story short.. I've used ionto for a year, workped perfectly. Then it stopped working and almost 8 months. I've been strugling to get it work again. Bought Avert 1mg to use it occasionally and it works fine, but gives me dry eyes,mouth and itchy nose, but I can handle it.

In meanwhile I didn't gave up on ionto, and finally I think I found the solution to get it under control..

My new treatments is basically same as it use to be, I do like 8-9 treatments repeatedly. At first I would see result basically after 6-7th treatment.. But now its a bit different, now the dryness comes only 5-6 days after the last treatment. And this is where now I can use avert as emergency within those 5-6 days of waiting.

So if anyone is having problems with ionto, try doing regular treatments and give it a break for couple of days.


Well-known member
I've been finding that treating my hands in 2 containers connected by alligator clips, 2 trays feet connected by alligator clips. + lead for hands, -lead for feet, then reverse polarity for 15 minutes seems to be working better than the one hand one foot method. I use pulsed DC so the initial shock is very minimal.


Well-known member
I suffer on hand\feet\underarms but I treat only hands and I dont sweat at all.. Also in my long sweating career I noticed that my feet can triger sweating if i dont wear cotton socks. Just walking around room without socks gets me sweating..etc.. Its really wierd.. but when I use ionto on my hands nothing can trigger it anymore..


Well-known member
I suffer on hand\feet\underarms but I treat only hands and I dont sweat at all.. Also in my long sweating career I noticed that my feet can triger sweating if i dont wear cotton socks. Just walking around room without socks gets me sweating..etc.. Its really wierd.. but when I use ionto on my hands nothing can trigger it anymore..

Sounds about right. This is something discussed before. Once we get our hands under control, other sweating areas seems to slow down. It's a pretty common experience.


Well-known member
Sounds about right. This is something discussed before. Once we get our hands under control, other sweating areas seems to slow down. It's a pretty common experience.

Do you know if the same is possible with feet ? If I only do feet would that make my hands dry ?


Well-known member
In my experience treating hands will slow down the feet sweating, not the other way around. So no, treating just the feet will not help your hands.


I've found that I get compensatory sweating in another area when I treat a particular area. E.g. on treating my underarms my feet get worse, and on treating my feet my hands start to sweat, albeit only a very small amount.
Also, and I could be wrong about this but it seems like the more I get sweating under control the worse my IBS gets, like the nervous energy somehow transfers to the gut, maybe thats just me.


Well-known member
hoplaba, nice to hear such a good news :)

you do 8-9 treatments in one day?! am I correct?

no no lol.. I do 8-9 treatments one each day 10 minutes one side 10 the opposite. After that I wait.. usualy 2nd day I can see decrease in sweating but as I get in social atmosphere I sweat abnormaly.. only after around 5-6 days I can see full results.


Active member
Keep us posted! Like you, i had success over a year ago, but i haven't been able to match those results. I am very confident about the treatment I began over a week ago. I've done treatment for 3 days in a row then i took a break for 2 days.. and i did one treatment yesterday.. will do one today, Thursday and Friday as well, and hopefully weekend if I get time.. I feel like adding baking soda/salt is making the treatment more effective.. only time will tell.


Well-known member
Unfortunately some of need to alter our treatment schedule sporadicly. I had the same treatment schedule for years, then my body became uncooperative and then I needed to alter my treatments. Some times my hands go through dry periods, other times they get damp or wet around people. It's still better than what I had to endure during my youth.

Don't give up! Keep altering till you get acceptable results.


Well-known member
Sprawling maybe we could make a list of all effective treatments.. that way many newcomer will be able to quickly adjust to changes


Well-known member
I've been finding that treating my hands in 2 containers connected by alligator clips, 2 trays feet connected by alligator clips. + lead for hands, -lead for feet, then reverse polarity for 15 minutes seems to be working better than the one hand one foot method. I use pulsed DC so the initial shock is very minimal.

Nice! That is a slight modification of my version where I put my hands together to create one electrical point and my feet together for the other electrical point. Im happy I inspired you, sir!

How do you like having some more time in your day for other things and less time spent on ionto treatments? :)