I feel like I've failed as a human being


I dont really post here too much but feel like I have to vent. I turn 28 next week and have had the past 10 years to get my life in order but due to my battles with SA I'm no better off than I was when I was 18. As much as I've tried to socialize with people my own age over the years at the end of the day I wind up hanging around with my parents. My life has never really gotten off the ground and its really frustrating to see people people younger than me pass me by all because of social anxiety.


Well-known member
it's never too late to start living

there is no official schedule that we are forced to follow with our lives

you can begin now


i had that thought before, but if you keep thinking this, you wont do anything. its never too late to make a change, i am starting something new now. and im about the same age. Its better to start making a change now, as your still young, or you mite end up having a mid live crisis. the idea is to start now. and dont think about others, just go for it.


I wish I could be more positive like the other post. I'm 20 yrs older than you and I felt that way at your age and I still do now. I am married, but it has been an unhappy relationship and I've felt alone for so many years. I just spend a lot of time on the computer and with on line friends. My "real" friends just can't seem to fit me in their live anymore. My only success in life has been my 3 children. The best thing that has happen to me. Sorry, I can't be helpful. Just wanted you to know you are not alone in feeling this way.


Well-known member
I'm 25 and I feel like my life is going nowhere.

Something to think about is that people's lives are not linear. Many of those folks you feel are passing you by will inevitably face bumps in the road, so to speak. Some will crash hard. While it isn't particularly helpful to compare ourselves to others, especially given our dealings with mental illness, I think it's important to keep this in perspective when we do.

We could have it a lot better and a lot worse at any given point in our lives.


Well-known member
I'm 25 and I feel like my life is going nowhere.

Something to think about is that people's lives are not linear. Many of those folks you feel are passing you by will inevitably face bumps in the road, so to speak. Some will crash hard. While it isn't particularly helpful to compare ourselves to others, especially given our dealings with mental illness, I think it's important to keep this in perspective when we do.

We could have it a lot better and a lot worse at any given point in our lives.

I can totally relate - Life is a cycle. Ups and downs. Time may be linear, but actually "living" through it is quite cyclical and non. It may feel "different" to start living closer to 30, one can say that at any age, but also in your head, so much is attitude and perception. =) Carpe diem. I am in a low spot now, REAL LOW SPOT but I know it won't stay down there. Time to start livin' or get busy dyin' - you will do it.


Well-known member
Well, there's even books on Amazon on how to deal with the '30's' crisis!! Usually girls get'em, cause it's around the time biological clock starts ticking etc. Guys usually get a 'crisis' around 40 or so (and get divorced or marry a blonde secretary and buy a sports car :)) - look at it this way: maybe you just had it sooner than many others?

It's GOOD that you are dissatisified and want to make a difference!!

Can you find support group/s where you live?

There may be day centers and nice organisations/clubs where they would be HAPPY of your help or just to hang out with others who might appreciate your company!! (And there may be even free tickets to events or concerts/gigs in there too!!? :))

Hope you find something!! :)

If you tell your location, we can maybe help you better as to what is available locally...

You are still young, to people around 70+ you are a youngling!!

You still have time to turn your life around and make a difference!! :)


Well-known member
I dont really post here too much but feel like I have to vent. I turn 28 next week and have had the past 10 years to get my life in order but due to my battles with SA I'm no better off than I was when I was 18. As much as I've tried to socialize with people my own age over the years at the end of the day I wind up hanging around with my parents. My life has never really gotten off the ground and its really frustrating to see people people younger than me pass me by all because of social anxiety.

I can totally relate to everything you said except I'm 24. It saddens me to see people I went to school with getting married and starting successful careers while my life is going nowhere fast.