I feel like a hermit.. :(


My brother is sitting with his friends outside this house, and im seeing him making fun and I'm sitting here in this ****ed up room ="(
Although he's much younger then me.. He is sitting with people from my age o_O
He's so much braver then me.. I hate myself ='(
My social life is soo ****ed up. And I feel ugly all the time.
people ask me to make some fun, but then i'm afraid what they will think of me.
Today I told someone I'm sick ( well it's true a bit, cuz I don't feel really well)
But I am well enough to do something outside. :/
This is soo sad :/


Well-known member
Youre not ugly hun :(
Theres been loads of times when my sister has had friends over and i just stay out of the way too.

All hermits together! lol.